chapter 4

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I whispered in his ear, "I will make you my bitch by the end of the night......Ellie~"

Percy's POV:

I groan, squinting at the harsh sunlight that streams through the bedroom window. My skull feels like it's being hammered from the inside, a dull throbbing that makes it hard to think.

My gaze lands on the blonde bombshell resting beside me in the bed. The morning light hits the polished wood, making it glint and bringing back snippets from last night.

I let a little smile play on my lips. I guess last night wasn't just fabrications of my heated imagination.

Then, with a groan, I roll off the bed. My boobs jiggle and sway, reminding me once again of my new reality. But for some reason, I feel way more comfortable in it today. I felt better and calmer, less stressed about everything.

I blink blearily at the pile of fabric strewn over the floor, finally spotting my panties. I pull them up and head to the bathroom. I splash my face with some cold water.

A smile stretches across my flushed face as I pull open the bathroom door. I saw Annabeth, stirring from her sleep. Gods, I don't know what took over her yesterday. She was so.... dominant, erm, passionate. I mean I felt my heart flutter when she was willing to give our lesbian relationship a go. I wanted to take it slow, but nope, she really said let's fuck and I said yes. But to be fair, with all that has happened in the span of the last two days, it had been stressful and erm let's just say, I never got the chance to really explore my new body. And with how she played with my new sensitive... parts, it felt so good...

I saw Annabeth wake up, sitting on the bed and covered in the blanket, her body still naked from our late-night exercise. She wasn't any daughter of Aphrodite, but she was still the most beautiful lady to me. her golden blonde curls fell down her shoulders, glimmering under the sunlight. I stared at her angelic face, her beauty second to none. I stared at her eyes, those stormy grey pools of endless wisdom that make my heart explode whenever I look at them. I felt my trail down her figure, she did not have the biggest boobs, but she wasn't flat either, she was like a C-cup I'm pretty sure. I took in her athletic and toned figure, hardened by battle and training. I stared at the scar she got because of me when she took Ethan's knife to save me from sure death.

She yawned cutely and turned to me, "when did you wake up?"

I smiled, "just a few minutes ago."

I walked over to the bed and laid down next to her. I thought about yesterday, more specifically what it meant for us now. I felt the whole dynamic shift honestly, it felt good being on the submissive side for once. When me and Annabeth used to have sex, it was just me giving it to her, nothing more, nothing less, since we were demigods, we didn't really have time to have that passionate lovey-dovey sex since we always had to be on the lookout for monsters and also because we were in the middle of a war. We just saw it as a means to release our stress, but last night... it felt so good... maybe it was my domain of sex speaking, but it felt... right, like I was meant to be the submissive one in the bed and Annabeth to be my dominant.

I heard Annabeth speaking from next to me. she asked, "hey, so how about after breakfast we go for a date in the city?"

I smiled, "sure, I'd love to." I meant it, it's been a long time since we went on a date, and I wanted to see how the city has been like for the past nine months.

We went to take a shower, separately, then we got dressed in our clothes, I wore what I had been previously wearing, since I still haven't learnt how to flash nor how to summon clothes. While Annabeth got dressed in a camp t-shirt and jeans shorts, we walked to the dining pavilion, holding hands. I guess most of the campers understood we were still a couple because I saw many guys with a defeated face, while some girls were smiling, I guess they are happy that they won't have to compete against us for their crushes.

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