chapter 3

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I sighed before closing my eyes, today was one hell of a day. I couldn't help but think of tomorrow, I'm going to visit camp, their reactions would definitely be priceless. I let the day's exhaustion take over me as I slipped into the realm of Morpheus.

Percy's POV:

The sweet chirping of birds outside my window shook me awake, the sound soothing against my tired senses. I groan, my hand reaching for my digital alarm clock on the nightstand.

8 AM. The digital numbers seem to mock me, a cruel reminder of the ungodly hour. I groan, falling back onto my bed, my arm flopping over my eyes.

The sound of New York City filtering in through my window is oddly soothing. The faint hum of distant traffic and honking cars, the distant babble of early risers, it's a symphony of my mortal life that's both comforting and refreshing.

The light of the dawn filters in through the windows, casting a warm hue throughout my room.

A wave of confusion sweeps over me as I feel the soft pressure of my breasts against my arm. Panic flares up, but it quickly fades as my mind catches up, reminding me of my new reality.

A glance down at my chest, and I'm greeted with the sight of my DD breasts, large and firm against the thin material of my white top. They are pancaked to the sides, squishing against my arms in an awkward display of gravity. My large nipples are hard and visible through the soft fabric of the top, the chill of the morning having a distinctly physical effect on me.

I sigh, rolling over onto my side. The shift in position causes my breasts to jiggle slightly, the sudden movement pulling at my chest.

Resisting the urge to groan in mild annoyance, I sit up, my breasts flopping heavily onto my tummy. The weight of them feels foreign, their presence a constant reminder of my transformation.

For a moment, I just sit there, staring away at nothing. I had decided to visit camp half-blood today. I hope I'll meet Annabeth there, I really need to talk about our relationship. I'll have to notify Chiron about what all has happened, after all, he only knows that I'm an immortal, not a goddess.

I sighed and got up from my bed, The sensation of walking as a woman is different, the workings of my body altered. My hips swing wider with each stride, my feet landing softer, the angle of my knees and hips adjusting to my new center of gravity. Big boobs are heavy. They tug at my shoulders and upper back, pulling me down, making me arch my back as I walk, there's no getting away from the added weight. And the other weird thing is how my thighs rub together. But over time, I hit a natural tempo.

I walked over to my bathroom, I applied some face wash and washed my face. I walked out of the bathroom, not wanting to see my reflection. As I opened the door to my bedroom, I heard sizzling with a THWACK! sound hitting the pan, I was hit by the heavenly smell of pancakes. Like a cartoon scene, I began floating towards the divine aroma of pancakes coming from the kitchen. I entered the kitchen and sat on one of the high chairs next to the kitchen island. I greeted mom good morning and watched her make blue pancakes.

She heard me come in, and turned to me, her spatula in hand and a smile on her face, "good morning too you as well, honey, you must be hungry, wait a few minutes the pancakes are about to be done."

I smiled and nodded, I sat patiently waiting for the pancakes to be done. I realized felt at more peace, more relaxed and calmer. I guess immortality also took away my severe ADHD.

I was broken out of my musing when mom brought over a stack of pancakes piled up high. Like a kid on Christmas morning, I grinned in excitement at the tower of heavenly goodness. I took the maple syrup and drowned my pancakes in it, making sure to properly douse each pancake in maple syrup. I heard mom chuckle at my childishness. I stabbed a pancake with my fork and stuffed it in my mouth, the soft and extremely sweet cake melting in my mouth. I moaned at the taste, before a blush quickly creeped up my cheeks. I stuffed pancake after pancake, maple syrup all over my lips. The transformation might've taken my dick away, but it can't take away my love for food.

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