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Mrs. Xu wasn’t stupid. She immediately understood what her daughter meant, and the smile at the corner of her mouth turned cold. "Her mother has the same identity as me. She normally contacts me a lot, and is quite close to me, so I didn’t expect her to do this kind of thing behind my back. Rest assured, I understand."

After speaking, she handed the purse to her again and said, "Keep it. I still have some money in there."

"I can't delay too long. When I came here, I said I would return in an hour. I’m relieved to see you are doing well. If you need anything, go to the Zhangs’ house to find me." Then, just as she was about to leave, she saw a small pond outside and smiled. "Give me one of your fish."

The moment Li Qinghe was about to go fishing, Bin'er came out of the backyard. He was intrigued by this and squatted at the side of the pond to watch her fish, "Is it fun to raise fish?"

"I think it's fun," Li Qinghe said. "Would you like to try?"

Bin'er became interested, took the net, and opened it, and all of a sudden, three fish of different sizes appeared. Li Qinghe handed him a bucket and said, "I'll give you all of them."

From the time Mrs. Xu had entered the door to the time she left, less than half an hour had passed. Li Qinghe personally sent the mother and son to the Zhous’ house and watched them get on the carriage.

At the side, Zhang Haiyao wrapped a scarf around her head with a proud face. "My mother said, after the full moon celebration is over, she’ll let me go back and live for a month."

"That’s good," Li Qinghe responded casually, uninterested in the topic.

"By the way, they brought a lot of snacks. You can taste some later. They’re very valuable." She said, turning around, entering the door, and quickly bringing out a small packet of snacks. "It's not much, I need to share some with Mother."

Li Qinghe glanced at it, but didn't reach out to pick it up and smiled. "You need to replenish your body right now, keep them for yourself."

After speaking, she asked, "Earlier, you said you’ll need fish for the full moon celebration, so how many fish will you need? I'll sell them to you at the same price I sell to restaurants, which is 12 cents. Tell me now so we can fish them out earlier."

Zhang Haiyao stiffened. "Can't you sell them a little cheaper?"

Li Qinghe calmly said, "When the time comes, we can give you a few dozen cents’ discount after weighing." Wanting her to sell half and give another half as a gift is impossible.

"Then… I don't want them," Zhang Haiyao tentatively said. "I'll buy more meat, it's the same."

Li Qinghe agreed. "It's okay." When the villagers held feasts, except for her and the Yang family, no one would buy a whole fish.

"The child is crying." Mrs. Zhou shouted over there.

Zhang Haiyao sighed and lowered her voice. "I must tell you that ever since she found out that the child’s a daughter, Mother has not really been happy and rarely hugs her. She makes me soup and sends half of it to Second Sister-In-Law. I see that she means that she is looking forward to Second Sister-In-Law giving birth to a son."

It was pointless discussing this; Li Qinghe didn’t like hearing it. The child was theirs, it was good that the grandmother could love her. However, even if the grandmother didn’t like her, shouldn't she still live her life? Seeing the little girl every day would only lead to guilt.

In addition, Mrs. Zhou had been considerate and had taken good care of her. Even after their families split, she still killed a chicken and stewed it for her. She sent half of the soup to Li Qingmiao because she was in her last trimester and about to give birth. What's wrong with drinking some soup?

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