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The Green Lotus Peasant Girl
Chapters List
Chapter 3: Mother

Yang Lanrou was flushed with anger because of this.

The maid next to her saw that her master was suffering. She couldn't help but sneer, “You dare to say that you have no intention of admiring Young Master Xu? You risk your life to save him yet you say there is no love. You can’t win the trust of outsiders!”

Li Qinghe raised her eyebrows, “Isn't it pleasing that my character is noble? I will help you when I see injustice, and I will save people even if I get injured. I feel offended by your words!” She held her chest and made an uncomfortable look.

She looked at Xu Changjie again and said, “Young Master Xu, you still need to pay up.”

Xu Changjie's complexion was stiff, “It's not possible to pay you back before the date.”

“What payment are you talking about?” Yang Lanrou frowned.

Before Xu Changjie could speak, Li Qinghe said, “It’s the gift of thanks that Young Master Xu promised to give me.”

“How much is it?” Yang Lanrou felt bad, “I will pay for him.”

Li Qinghe snapped her fingers and said with a smile, “What I want is exactly Miss Yang's frank and straightforward character.” Stretching out her hand she said, “Twelve taels of silver. After receiving the silver, I will never look for Young Master Xu again.”

Yang Lanrou was a little surprised at the mention of twelve taels of silver, but when she heard the next sentence, her eyes motioned to the maid.

The maid didn’t have so many scruples. She took the money out from her purse and said, “I don’t think you are going to die if it’s not treated. You have some nerve to demand twelve taels of silver!”

Li Qinghe stretched out her hand, “Master Xu has promised. You are scolding me for no reason. You were not even there at the time.”

Anyone who saw the way the maid looks at Xu Changjie with bright and meaningful eyes could see that she is also interested in him.

Hearing Li Qinghe's words, the maid patted the silver ingot in her hand, “If I had saved Young Master Xu, I would not demand a gift from him as thanks.”

Li Qinghe raised her eyebrows and said with deep meaning, “Actually, it is important to receive a gift as thanks to clear the favor owed! Girl, you have to think carefully!”

The maid blushed and lowered her head in shame. Naturally, she didn't see her master's sudden cold eyes.

When they left, Li Qinghe took the silver ingot and was in a good mood. When she sat down with Zhou Chengkang afterward, she smiled and said, “I'm very happy today! Let me treat you to noodles with meat!”

Zhou Chengkang was a little puzzled and tentatively asked, “You didn't propose marriage? You don't like it...”

Li Qinghe asked back, “What do you like?” Touching her purse, “Money is more reliable than a man. Besides, there’s already someone in his heart. If we were together, I wouldn't get anything in return except for a broken heart.”

The last sentence is quite meaningful.

Zhou Chengkang was thoughtful, and the two stopped talking for a while. When they finished eating the noodles, they went to the cloth shop.

The cloth shop of Zhang's family is considered to be one of the best cloth shops in town. It happened to be the market day today, and the cloth shop was crowded and chaotic. Five or six shop assistants couldn't greet and take care of her. Li Qinghe leaned on the counter and went straight into the backyard.

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