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The journey went smoothly. There were usually a lot of people renting rooms in the village. In addition, some people prepared a house especially for visitors. They also helped feed the horses and prepared hot water, but the couple didn't find a doctor.

They chose a house that was clean and asked about a doctor.

The village had a doctor, but unfortunately he didn't treat dogs. He was worried that if he tried to treat the dog's fractured bones, they might not be treated but would only be further damaged. If that happened, the dog would really become lame. Therefore, the doctor suggested letting the dog rest and heal the wound on its own.

After leaving the doctor's house, the two returned to the place where they were staying. Zhou Chengkang asked, touching the puppy's leg, "Why don't I... help him relocate the bone?"

Li Qinghe looked at him suspiciously. "You can fix a dislocated bone?"

"I learned about it a little bit." Zhou Chengkang smiled and asked the host to prepare a plank, and continued. "Uncle Tiger taught me before. I can fix a simple dislocated bone. Anyway, it's better than just ignoring it."

After half a day of work, the puppy's leg had been wrapped in a bandage, and both of them felt quite accomplished.

On the way home the next afternoon, the two had not only pulled a wagonload of stuff, but Li Qinghe was also holding an injured puppy.

Once the two returned, everyone found out they had gone to the county without saying a word, and returned quite smoothly.

Seeing the material Li Qinghe brought back, many people asked about the price. Originally, each item was worth eight cents. In the end, many people asked for more. Third Aunt Lu was the first to ask, so she couldn't refuse to sell it. After that, she couldn't refuse anyone else anymore. If she had known, she would have brought more silver; she really didn't think this could earn her silver.

Following a half day of activities, the Zhou family finally got a chance to rest after washing up, after running around for two days.

Both of them got up late the next morning. Li Fu has been feeding the fish in the pond for the past two days in their absence. It wasn't that Li Qinghe didn't want to find Mrs. Zhou, but she had never fed a fish before, and Li Fu had helped her quite a few times and already knew how much to feed them.

Li Qinghe went to the Li's house after breakfast, picking up the bag Zhao Wanwan asked her to bring. She arrived to find Mrs. Qian washing laundry in the yard, but she did not see Li Fu. The main door was open, so he should be inside.

As soon as Mrs. Qian saw her, she averted her eyes and did not greet her. It appeared that she was really angry with her.

Li Qinghe placed the bag in front of Mrs. Qian, who continued to wash the clothes and said, "No need."

The two words were crisp and clear.

"You’re not thinking that I'm going to make amends by buying you something, are you?" Li Qinghe growled angrily.

Mrs. Qian snorted in disgust.

"You really don't want it?" Li Qinghe asked again.

"No." Mrs. Qian wrung out the clothes and hung them to dry. Li Qinghe reached out and picked up the bag, saying, "Since you don't want it, I can use it for firewood."

As she walked to the kitchen, she raised her voice and said, "It's a pity that Wanwan asked me to bring it back from so far away, but you don't want it!"

The next instant, Mrs. Qian rushed to her with the speed of wind and snatched it. "You should have said this earlier!"

Is it my fault?

Green Lotus Peasant GirlWhere stories live. Discover now