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The Green Lotus Peasant Girl
Chapters List
Chapter 5: Dispute

Li Qinghe sneered and turned to enter the door.

Hearing her disdainful voice, Mrs. Qian's complexion became stiff, and she became more and more disappointed and said to her husband, "I really just want you to help her keep it safe. You said that a small yard can be built with a dozen silver. What if she loses it?" Her tone was anxious and uneasy.

Even if Li Qinghe had entered the door, she was paying special attention to the movements of the two people outside. Hearing what was said, "I used my life in exchange for it. So even if I was the one who lost it, I will be happy!"

(TN: Li Qinghe almost lost her life to get the money, so she’ll be happy even if she loses it because she is the one who earned and lost it.)

"What is with your attitude?" Li Fu scolded, "Even if you don't recognize her as your mother, she is your elder anyway."

"I didn't say that she was not." Li Qinghe opened the door and leaned against the door frame, "I didn't disrespect her, but you can't beat me to get my money."

Li Fu was dissatisfied, "We don't ask you for money, it's your aunt Qian's generosity. During the time you were injured, who served you and asked the doctor to decoct medicinal herbs for your medicine?"

“In that case, the meat and bones I got back in the past two years, I haven’t eaten them. Are those missing?" Li Qinghe looked straight at Mrs. Qian, "I haven't seen those things at all."

Earlier, Li Qinghe had worked in the restaurant. The workers didn't eat at home. They ran into the restaurant to work and got to eat. They were also fuller than at home.

Mrs. Qian's eyes started to show her emotion, "That.. I didn't want to eat it, so I gave it to your father."

Li Fu agreed, "You brought something back, so isn’t it pretty good to share with family? No matter how you say it, your Aunt Qian didn't treat you badly."

Li Qinghe didn't refute this. Mrs. Qian was still good to her before this matter of silver came up. The management outside the house and the sincere treatment of Li Fu was really hard.

If Mrs. Qian doesn't have ideas about her money, the two can definitely get along.

Li Qinghe nodded, remembering something, and said, "Forgot to tell you that the shopkeeper at the restaurant made me quit."

"Ah!" Mrs. Qian was surprised but she was too worried to get angry and asked hurriedly, "Why?"

Li Qinghe sighed. “There is no reason, just said that I am injured so that I can take time to recover."

"That won't work, you did a good job. So why should the shopkeeper make you quit?" Mrs. Qian was too anxious to beat around the bush, "Have you tried to find your boss?"

"No, I haven’t." It was useless to do so anyway.

"How can you not find the boss? Tomorrow you will go to the boss. The boss must not know that the shopkeeper has fired you. How can you lose this job?" Qian said, "You are too much, how can you just come back home like this? There are also the benefits of bringing home the leftovers after work. It’s okay to bring the bones back to your father. It’s been half a month since your father has seen meat or fish, and he has lost weight.”

Li Qinghe laughed outrageously. As if if she didn’t bring meat back, there wouldn’t be meat at home to be eaten? "I'm not going."

Mrs. Qian didn't understand this. She turned around and patted her head. "Your mother helped find this job for you. So will you ask her where to work next?"

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