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The Green Lotus Peasant Girl
Chapters List
Chapter 6: Counterattack

After leaving the house, she did not stop and went straight to the village chief's house.

The village chief sighed when he saw her, “Do you want to buy that piece of land?”

Li Qinghe nodded, “I decided about it a long time ago.”

Hearing this, the village chief became more serious, “For a normal fertile piece of land, you need five taels to get three or two mǔ*. You want the barren mountain, where there is nothing on it, so it just costs one or two taels for a mǔ. However, you have to properly think about it. After you get the land deed, if you can’t sell it, you won’t be able to get your money back. "

(TN: mǔ is a unit of area equal to one-fifteenth of a hectare. 1 mǔ = 0.0667 hectare = 667 m²)

“I understand.” Li Qinghe replied casually, secretly calculating her savings. In the past two years, she has saved four taels of silver, plus the twelve taels over there, which can buy ten acres of land, but now Mrs. Qian wants her to marry, so she has to leave a way back for herself.

Although Li Qinghe did not marry the right person in her last life, she was not averse to marrying someone, as long as the person was right, then life would not be difficult.

“Troubling you to take me to town to write the land deed, and then find bīng dà gē* to measure the land.”

(TN: government official brother the eldest brother soldier/boss)

The village chief frowned, “Buying land is a big deal, It's not a little bit of money. Don't be in such a hurry or later you will regret it.”

“I won’t regret it.” Li Qinghe pursed her lips. “Today, Aunt Qian arranged someone to come as a blind date match for me. It is Wanwan's cousin.”

“Nonsense!” Although many outsiders were living in the village, the village chief was a member of the Li family and by all accounts, he was also the cousin of Li Qinghe's grandfather, a very close elder, so he was a bit angered, “Don't worry. I will talk to your grandfather about this, he won't let your father find your in-laws so indiscriminately.”

Li Qinghe hurriedly said, “Don't bother grandpa. After all, it's all because of the silver. I never heard that Aunt Qian wanted to help me negotiate a marriage, but today she suddenly called someone to come... Wait for me to get the land deed in my hand, they will stop, and if it doesn't work then I will go beg grandpa to do it.”

They went to go to town using Zhou Chengkang’s carriage, and the village chief also kept trying to dissuade her along the way, “Won’t you reconsider it? The land is useless.”

Li Qinghe's mind was already made up so she said with certainty, “I want to buy the deed. The silver can easily be taken away, but the deed is in my name and will always be mine.”

This was indeed the truth. The owner's name is not written on the silver. Whoever has it will count as the owner. But a land deed is not like that.

All the land in the town is under the control of the mayor. The village mayor had told him the price earlier. Although the mayor was doubtful, he did not ask much. In the end, this kind of wasteland cannot be sold and Li Qinghe was willing to buy it. This money does not need to be recorded. In other words, as long as no one asks for the money, it is likely to fall into the mayor's private house.

Li Qinghe didn't care about this. Anyway, the land deed was real. After getting the piece of paper with ten mǔ of wasteland, and seeing the signature in the corner, she was relieved.

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