Start from the beginning

Madam Corasell's brows furrowed in confusion, her earlier smile fading. "What are you talking about?" she demanded, the room's tension escalating with each passing moment.

"I'm sorry for the scandal I caused last night! I had a bit too much to drink and got carried away with some violent antics. Please, Madam, let it slide," Kate pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.

Madam Corasell, however, raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Wait," she interrupted. "If you think I'm upset about the commotion with that baldy duke Apollo Campos, you're mistaken. In fact, it was quite spectacular!"

"What!?" Kate stared, baffled by the unexpected response.

Madam Corasell leaned forward, her expression serious. "Apollo Campos was one of those individuals who opposed my Dragonoid Rights Bill in Congress. He was a racist and a rapist. His marriage to that dragonoid victim was just a ploy to avoid arrest and lawsuits from the dragonoids he abused. Frankly, you did me a favor by giving him a beating."

"O-Okay," Kate stammered, slowly settling back into her seat, processing the unexpected turn of events.

A smile played on Madam Corasell's lips. "Consider it a job well done, Kate. I'll be rewarding you with a one-time bonus for this month."

"Good work, Kate," Hiraya chimed in, smiling as she gently petted Kate's long crimson hair. "I'm so proud of you. How about treating us to dinner later?"

Kate's mouth hung open in disbelief as she stammered out an uncertain, "O-Okay."

Madam Corasell cleared her throat, the tension in the air palpable. "Where were we? Alright. I heard that somebody wants to confess. Isn't that right, Lysander?"

All eyes swiveled towards me, their scrutiny heavy. I felt their judgmental gaze, rendering me speechless. The urge to question what was happening was suppressed by the memory of my drunken whisper to Madam Corasell during the party the previous night.

Gaeun's voice cut through the awkward silence, "U-Um, confess? Are you going to confess to Hiraya right here and right now?"

Hiraya's exclamation filled the room, "I do, Lysander! I do!"

I sighed, suppressing frustration. "You know that it's not a love confession. Stop with the jokes. It is something I have been keeping for a long time."

"Coming out of the closet, are you? Are you gay?" Kate inquired. "Don't be shy to a fellow homosexual like me!"

"No, I'm not," I replied with a frown, dismissing the assumption.

"Are you secretly a hobo? Because you really look like one," Charlotte chimed in.

"Fuck off, Charlotte!" I exclaimed, irritated.

"Well then, what is it?" Eva joined the conversation, her curiosity evident.

For a moment, I held my silence, scanning the inquisitive gazes around me. My eyes moved from Gaeun to Charlotte, then to Kate, Eva, Madam Corasell, and finally, resting on Hiraya. The golden-haired elf nodded, a silent signal of her approval.

"I am a Regressor, a time traveler. I've journeyed from a decade in the future, and my mission is to save the world," I declared.

A heavy silence enveloped the room. Instead of shock, I noticed their expressions shift into contemplation, as if connecting dots they had previously overlooked.

Kate broke the silence, "Well, I've had a theory about this for some time, so it's not entirely surprising." 

Charlotte and Gaeun exchanged knowing glances, nodding in acknowledgment. After all, they'd known me for a year, and it was inevitable that my secret would eventually surface. I hadn't exactly gone to great lengths to conceal it.

Madam Corasell's fingers rested thoughtfully on her chin. "So that explains your uncanny knowledge of the Republic of Dragons. You're the mysterious informant Gregory Lecheron mentioned during the Neo Arcadia days. And the Dragon Lord Commandments in the bell tower? That wasn't Hiraya's idea. It was all yours."

"That's correct," Hiraya affirmed. "I aimed to safeguard Lysander's identity while aiding the empire, hence why I claimed to be an Oracle, even though I'm not. The truth is, Lysander is the true oracle."

Eva, with a puzzled expression, said "You always hide under Hiraya's skirt."

Hiraya responded casually, "Well, Lysander loves to look and sniff at my panties."

I protested, exasperated, "That's a figure of speech! Stop making dirty jokes out of everything you hear!"

"Okay, okay, sorry. I forgot this is supposed to be a serious meeting," Hiraya laughed apologetically.

Charlotte, flipping her brown hair, shifted the focus, "So, if a commoner like you came from the future, what happened to me? Or to Gaeun? Or Kate?"

I forced a smile, admitting, "I... I don't know. Honestly, I never got to meet you three until Hiraya introduced me to you girls in this timeline."

Charlotte clicked her tongue. "Tsk. What a useless time traveler."

Eva eagerly pressed, "How about me? What happened to me?"

I nonchalantly shrugged, "No idea. I also just met you in this timeline."

"You're a freaking useless time traveler, you know that?" Eva exclaimed in frustration.

"Yeah! You're useless!" Kate and Gaeun chimed in unison. "All you cared about is Hiraya!"

Hiraya blushed, attempting to lighten the mood with a forced laugh, "Hahaha."

Meanwhile, I found myself in a proverbial frying pan, bombarded with questions I could never answer. It seemed like my retribution for being a selfish, anti-social individual in the previous timeline. I couldn't help but acknowledge the truth – I really was a useless time traveler.

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