Law and Order.

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As Akii and Zichimi dealt with the gang members that made their way to his sniping position, Ashirou and Aiko was making quick work of the gang members as Ikeru joined in with an automatic rifle that he got from knocking out one of the members, then, Ashirou heard that footsteps of someone charging. "ASHIROU!" Axis yelled as he came in for a punch, but Ashirou dodged it and shot another member behind him, Ashirou was shocked when a member got hold of Aiko and pointed a gun to his head, "It's over! I'll blow his brains out and yours is next!" the member shouted at Ashirou as was looking up to look for Akii, "Don't bother! I have sent a few members to deal with that brat. Now it's just you and this freak!" the member continued.

"Tsk... then I challenge you to a duel, Axis Fernhill. If I win, you leave my friends alone and if I lose, I'll commit seppuku!" Ashirou challenged Axis in hope that he can buy the cops some time, "Deal." Axis accepted the challenge as he removes his coat, ready to face Ashirou in a duel to the death. Ikeru saw that Aiko and Ashirou is in danger and that Akii is also, thinking quickly, he searched for a gun to kill the member that is holding Aiko as gun point.

The duel began, Ashirou and Axis keeping their distance while slowly walking in a circle, in a split second, Ashirou charged Axis, bringing his fists up, Axis expected a hit from Ashirou so he defended himself, to his surprise, Ashirou tripped and landed on the ground, Axis lowered his fists to this mistake Ashirou did but to his shock, Ashirou brought his body up using his hands and kicked Axis in the face, using the momentum his fake tripping trick did. Ashirou started to hit low, trying to trip Axis down but Axis is now serious and dodges all of Ashirou's attack, in a blink of an eye, Ashirou changed his tactic again, hitting high, faced with an unpredictable opponent, Axis couldn't land a single hit on Ashirou.

Ashirou was hitting with powerful and precise strikes, all that Axis can do is defend himself. In an instant, Ashirou gained some distance to try to recover stamina, using this opportunity, Axis charged at Ashirou, on the defensive, Ashirou parried all of Axis's attacks while returning strikes on his own. Doing a palm strike, Ashirou gained more distance between him and Axis.

The two duelists are once again walking in circles, their eyes locked in each other, taking a deep breath, Ashirou charged Axis again, this time he extended his claw, his tanto blade striking Axis's chest but the body armor below prevented it from cutting him, but he felt the power of the White Tiger's claw, he had barely any time to think when Ashirou kicked him in the chest.

Axis is already beaten up while Ashirou is draining his stamina in the hopes that his opponent would surrender, in a last ditch effort, Axis pulled out his gun, seeing this, Ashirou threw his blade at Axis, Axis dodged the blade but he realized that it was a distraction, Ashirou was already drawing his gun, he brought his up in a panic and the two duelists fired their guns.

They heard a clink, after reflecting on what has happened, the two realized that the bullets hit each other, the merged bullet mere inches from Axis's feet. Realizing that his gun is now empty, Ashirou threw his gun at Axis while charging at him, hitting him on the head, Axis tries to line up another shot but Ashirou managed to grab a hold on his opponent's gun, he twisted the gun off of Axis's hand while kicking him on his side, throwing the gun away, Ashirou rushed to grab his tanto before rushing to finish Axis.

Ashirou jumped and tackled Axis who was trying to get his gun, it was now a struggle, Axis avoiding the blade while Ashirou used his last bit of energy to drive the blade into Axis, ending the duel. In frustration, Ashirou pulled his tanto away and punched Axis and managed to stab his blade down on his target.

There was a moment of silence. Akii returning to his place, the blaring sirens of the cops finally echoed through the abandoned building.

Next Chapter: "Venomous Snake, Gilded Dreams."

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