Wandering Raven needs not of Wealth.

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Guten Tag! I'm Ark Helume, pleasure to meet ya~

I am obviously German, from Lindau to be exact. That Bavarian town near the Alps is a lovely town, don't get me wrong but I much more seek the thrills in life, y'know?

School wasn't really my strong suit, most I can get is a B-, but at least I pass most of it, but I eventually dropped out and just wandered around my town, I am well known to be the friendly neighbor but I'm just like that in my heart! To be nice and good is what we Christians believe, and to be that is to attain a place in the heavens. Though I didn't plan that far ahead, I just wanted to enjoy life!

I started to get part time jobs at bakeries, cafes, restaurants, and I managed to get my hands on enough money to go to the capital city, and I must say that Berlin is quite a sight but quite the hassle, I'm not one for densely populated cities either even if I am an extrovert, such a huge crowd kinda makes me sink down back to my seat...

After experiencing Berlin, I went to Munich, and I even went to Paris after hitching a ride there. I later went to London, after I hitched on a boat of course to see a concert, it was a rock concert, but the artist isn't that famous, the old folks said it's such a lousy and irritating music, but I enjoyed it, I even dreamt of playing the drum set on stage. I did get arrested from time to time from theft and hitching rides but since I'm still a young boy, I was released after a pretty short time.

My most difficult challenge yet is to escape Europe altogether, and that came in the form of hitching a ride on a commercial airliner. I am quite the athlete, so sprinting through a runway, under covered of course isn't a problem for me, and boy do those planes are huge! I just managed to climb on one of the landing gears and just hoped I won't get crushed as it retracted, luckily, I didn't die, and I just had to hold on for dear life as the insane speed the plane needed to take off and the wind blowing against me like a hurricane.

It was a long flight, but I made it safely, the plane landing and I waited until the coast was clear and made a mad dash for the nearest fence gate and climbed over it. And here I was, in America! I managed to get the remaining money I got into dollars and used it to get a small, part-time job as a pizza delivery boy and later, a barista at a Starbucks. I am good looking and being a barista on the front counter was a good marketing strategy, just the girls alone buying more and more from the place I worked at to get sneaky photos of me, I could have been a celebrity!

I am more or less interested in a guy that is a usual costumer, white hair, tall, fancy pants named Ashirou Terusho, he'd always order coffee and the tip was huge! Eventually, he and I became friends and that's that. I'm just a reckless moron from Germany that hitched a ride on the wheels of a plane to get to America but hey, I loved it!

I am just living the life, no worries whatsoever, just a carefree life with free iced coffee.

Next Chapter: "Pen and Sword."

The Nameless Order.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz