Crimson Blade.

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Ashirou started to exchange letters to the boss of the rival gang, the letters are of deception, making an alliance and exchanging goods between them, the boss of the rival gang accepted, being fooled by Ashirou's letters. With the first stages of the plan working, he moved to the next step, securing his reputation to the rival gang, becoming a bridge between the two rival gangs. It'll take him weeks to do this stage, but he went all in, hosting events for the rival gang, exchanging resources and everything in between, the members in Ashirou's gang isn't too happy with the plan but Axis trusts Ashirou's strategies.

Weeks became months, stages after stages, the long game Ashirou planned in working bit by bit, it won't be long until the final stages will be in fruition, heading to their base for a negotiation for a bank heist is being staged, Ashirou and the rival boss discussed it over a game of chess, "You are very young, White Tiger, that is why bright minds like you should help me in planning this heist." The boss said to Ashirou while moving his chess piece, "This plan of yours is quite the daring plan, but I must remind you that there will be lives lost... But if you succeed, you'll become the most powerful mafia gang in the whole of America." Ashirou explained, moving his piece on the board.

"Indeed, that is why I want you to make something of a seamless plan with no possible mistakes." The boss said to Ashirou, taking one of his chess pieces, "I'll tell you, it's quite simple really... You don't." Ashirou mocked the boss while moving another piece, "How so?" the boss asked, taking another piece. "You are moving in too fast, no sense of defense, and no help. Once you are caught, all will be lost." Ashirou explained as he checkmates his opponent. "Tell me, what would you do without me doing your plan?" Ashirou said to the boss, "I'll try to make it work, and surely we might win, as long as we play our cards right." He explained to Ashirou, "And tell me, what will happen if I were to..." pulling out his gun and pointing it at the boss, "Do this?" Ashirou continued, threatening the boss. "You'll make an enemy you can never defeat." The boss replied, suddenly, the door burst open and members of Ashirou's gang storms in, "White Tiger, we have cleared the guards, permission to clear the building." "Permission granted." Ashirou said as he shot the boss' shoulder before he can pull out his gun to kill Ashirou.

Immobilized, the boss couldn't do anything as more and more of his members are getting executed by Ashirou's members, "You brat..." the boss spoke out while gripping his shoulder, "Only a fool would believe he can do the impossible, a pity, I do quite enjoy our chess session." Ashirou replied, "It matters not, you have no value to me. What there is value is the resources you have, we'll be taking it,
пока-пока~" Ashirou said as he shot the boss, killing him.

Ashirou took some valuables from the dead boss' body before lighting a cigarette. "White Tiger, we have finished the clean up and we are getting the loot outside to be taken back to base." One of the members reported. "Body count?" "Around 47, sir." "Quite small... perhaps the others escaped or is not present here..." Ashirou pondered, "No matter, leave other less valuables to them, let them fight over the scraps." "Yes, sir."

After transporting the goods back to base and setting fire to the building, Ashirou retired to his room to rest after a long day. Then, a knock was heard on Ashirou's door, "Come in." Ashirou said as Axis entered his room, "You did a great job back there, where did you learn this stuff from?" Axis asked Ashirou as he sat beside him in bed, "Sun Tzu. The art of war." Ashirou replied. "Can you tell me more?" "It's just philosophies about deceiving the enemy, the tactics on certain scenarios, discipline, all those stuffs." "I see..."

After a moment of silence, Axis spoke to Ashirou, "How have you been?" Caught off guard, Ashirou thought for a second before responding, "I'm... I mean..." "You can talk to me, Ashirou. Whatever it is, I want to know." Axis tried to comfort Ashirou.

"Sigh... I've been stressed lately..." "How so?" "Dealing with the tension of the members under my command, doing this whole gang thing was against my liking back then, I vowed to never be in one, but I thought I could make a living out of it, and I did, but it caused me my happiness... And there is that incident, the truth is, I killed them out of my own personal justice, not because they tried to assassinate me..." "I understand... thank you for being honest with me." Axis accepted what Ashirou said as he gently pats his head.

"My parents left me a note, the money in it was for me to give to those in need... my blade is to protect those in need... and my gun is to kill those that wronged the innocent... and that is what I was doing ever since I got the gift. I would kill my own gang members just to fulfill that justice my parents left me... I am not the trusty person you know, you have a chance now, kill me and save your gang..." Ashirou said to Axis, to his shock, Axis kissed Ashirou, "Shut up will you? I already knew you were doing this for a reason, and I want you to succeed, I want to get a second chance to redeem myself too..." Axis said to Ashirou, Ashirou then rolled away from Axis in his bed, "Go get some sleep, we got some dividing up of resources to do for your members..." Ashirou said as he tries to go to sleep. "Good night then, Ashirou." Axis stood up to leave. "I love you..." Ashirou mumbled, "Said something?" Axis turned around to Ashirou, "I said good night." "Heh, I love you too, my White Tiger." Axis said as he left Ashirou's room after turning the lights off.

Is that true...? That he loves me?... My heart won't stop beating hard, damn it...

Next Chapter: "WanderingOwl needs not of Wealth."

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