Black Rose's Thorn

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"Are you guys ready? We will attack in 4 hours." Ashirou spoke through the phone, "Ready as we can be. Just make sure this works." Aiko responded, "Good. Akii, how was your training with the Garand?" "It was good, I can hit 4 cans spread out in various distances and positions down the first floor in 5 seconds." Akii replied, "Ash, how's the signal around the building? Can you maintain communication with them and with the cops?" Ashirou asked Ash, "Many places are choppy, but I found a spot that works, good concealment too." Ash responded. "Ikeru, how's the distractions going on?" "I set up tons of decoys and noisy stuff, I'll make quite the ruckus, don't you worry." Ikeru responded confidently. "You guys are good to go, we are heading there now, prepare yourselves, everyone, hide. Aiko, get ready." Ashirou said as he ended the call.

They all made the final preparations before going on ahead to the building, bidding Aiko good luck. Aiko did house chores to pass the time and to make it inconspicuous, then, a van and another car parks Infront of Aiko's house, a few moments later, they knocked on the door, Aiko went to answer it when Ashirou rushed in and punched Aiko, bringing him to the floor as the other members went in to put blindfolds and ropes to restrain Aiko. He was carried to the van as the members leave and boarded the vehicles to the building.

Seeing this, Zichimi followed suite of the vehicles, staying near cover. A few minutes later, they arrived on site and brought Aiko into the building, Ashirou leading them to the first floor that Akii was going to shoot, "They are here... Akii, stay in cover, Ikeru, get ready to distract them on the west wing them move to the second floor. I'll be calling the cops now, Ash Brooke, signing off." Ash ended the group call as he started to call the cops, but the signal starts to cut off. "Damn it... why now of all times?!" Without service, Ash is unable to call the cops, so he tried to search for a new spot with signal. Zichimi arrived shortly and heads inside the building, seeing that Akii isn't with Aiko, Zichimi went upstairs to get a better look.

Akii used his phone camera to peak at the transaction, waiting for Ashirou's signal. "Nerumi-chan?" A voice calls out to Akii as Akii brought his gun to the source, "Don't shoot! –" Akii placed his hand on Zichimi's mouth to shut him up, "What are you doing here, Zichimi?" Akii whispered, "I heard you guys are getting attacked and I wanted to save you guys." Zichimi whispered back. "Just stay here and don't do anything, I got it covered." Akii said to Zichimi as he continued to spy on the gang. Down below, Ikeru knocked over a pile of wooden pillars, causing a loud noise. "Check that out. Make sure no hobos are in here." Ashirou ordered some of his gang members as they checked it out. 

Ashirou then turned his attention to Aiko, "You caused us quite the stir, Hirohaito. This whole hide and seek game but you are now at a dead end." Ashirou said as he lit his cigarette as Axis approached Aiko to ask him some questions, "Are you the one that killed one of our members?" Axis asked Aiko, "I did, in fact, I'm surprised you identified that scum after I pulverized his face." Aiko insulted Axis; Axis chuckled before punching Aiko. "You got quite the tongue, Hirohaito. White Tiger, do the honors." Axis said to Aiko before turning to Ashirou and ordering his execution. Ashirou brought Aiko's chin up, "Quite a lovely night, no? I suggest you keep looking at it." Ashirou said as he brought his gun up to Aiko. "Go fuck yourself, Snow White..." Aiko insulted Ashirou.

Akii kept his phone away in his pocket as he stood up and took aim as Ashirou nodded to him, "Duck." Ashirou said to Aiko as he ducked just as Ashirou pulled the trigger, killing the guy behind Aiko as Akii started to shoot from above. Hearing the gunshots, the members that was investigating the noise ran back but Ikeru got one of them and knocked them out and grabbing their gun. Armed, Ikeru joined the firefight, gunning down the members as Akii sniped from above, Ashirou pulled out his tanto and cut the ropes restraining Aiko, "Thanks!" Aiko thanked Ashirou as he grabbed a pistol from a fallen gang member and started to fight back.

Ash managed to call the cops as he worried for the safety of his friends, Zichimi covered his ears, trying to muffle the gunshots and screaming, then he sensed something, feeling the hairs stood up, Zichimi cautiously approached the fire exit staircase and saw a gang member rushing up the stairs to deal with Akii, Zichimi's heart dropped as he turned to run away, yelling at Akii, "Enemy coming from the fire exit!" Zichimi grabbed Akii, "Go! Run!" Akii said to Zichimi as he reloaded his rifle, to his horror, he ran out of ammo. Akii gazed at Zichimi's eyes before grabbing his hand and running away back to the room where Ashirou stored the gun, hoping there is some ammo.

Reaching the room, Akii locked the door to search for more ammo but found none, then he finds a secret drawer, knocking the lock out with the stock of his gun, it opened and he found more ammo, but not for his gun, checking the closet where the gun was, Akii saw a small gap from the wall and the closet and it seems to have a sort of secret passage behind it, dropping the gun, Akii set to work to move the closet and there he found a bigger gun, a .50 BMG rifle. 

Hearing the gang members banging on the door, Akii grabbed the big gun and loaded it with the magazine that was preloaded with incendiary bullets. "Out of the way Zichimi!" Akii yelled at Zichimi as Zichimi ran and hid below the desk. The gang members managed to break the doorknob and open the door but meeting them was the barrel of a .50 BMG wielded by Akii, "I'll give you a firework show of blood!" Akii shouted as he pulled the trigger, the bullet entering and exploding in one of the gang members' chest, Akii was almost thrown off balance by the gun's recoil but managed to recover and shoot the other gang member.

Catching his breath, Akii looked at Zichimi who was shaking in fear beneath the desk, "Hey... it's safe now, let's go." Akii tried to comfort Zichimi, after calming him down, Akii and Zichimi returned to the balcony to support Ashirou and Aiko, but they already beat most of the gang members, all that was standing was Axis who was already in a duel with Ashirou.

C'mon Ashirou... Win!

Next Chapter: "Law and Order."

The Nameless Order.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang