Chapter 3.5: Same Old Mistakes

Start from the beginning

"Alright, with your statement, we are done here. Thank you for your participation, and I hope that this experience doesn't discourage you."

The officer grabbed his laptop and left the room, leaving me and Chabs in the guidance room. This is the first time I've had a one-on-one session with her. She looked bored to say, I can't blame her.

"Say sensei, this might be a strange question, but are there any consequences for having someone from our class expelled?"

"That should be the least of your concerns right now. However, I want to know what makes you think his expulsion will affect the class?"

Chabs seemed to understand the undertone that I was trying to ask. 'How many points are we losing because of this?'. I have been speculating on whether or not the homeroom teachers in this school have a matter in the class competition. 

"Hmm, oh, it's nothing. It was a sudden thought that popped into my head just now. It's just that I've been speculating on whether or not we would get 100,000 points. Are the points we receive based on individual or class performance?"

"Well, I can't answer that question as of now. Take that statement as you will."

Her poker face is impeccable. Though with how she answered my question, I'll take it that expulsions have consequences. 

"Well, I didn't expect much anyway. Thank you for your time." 

I got up from my seat and exited the room with the broken phone and a plastic bag containing my stained clothes.

Overall, I would call this little session a success.

Now, I was surprised about the stains for sure. I didn't think Yamauchi would try to let one out before swimming. Perhaps that's the reason why his swimming time was awful earlier. However, his poor aim and carelessness sealed his fate of being expelled from this school. Due to the severity of what Yamauchi did, no further investigation was necessary besides my statement, which was convenient for me.

Honestly, I was completely fine with either Yamauchi being expelled or if he didn't, as in the end, I still got what I wanted out of this situation.


I'm unsure how everyone else reacted to Yamauchi's crime since I went straight to the guidance room without talking to anyone. However, I have arranged time with Hasebe to hang out. Although she prefers to be alone, she can give me a good idea of how the other girls reacted.

I returned to my dorm and decided to freshen up with a quick shower and change into casual wear, including a purple blouse and jeans. 

As I finished changing, I made my way out of the dormitory, and right near the entrance, I found a blue-haired girl waiting for me.

"Hey, are you doing alright?"

"Hey, are you doing alright?"

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