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Steve POV

Nickolas-I'm calling him Phil-sat stiffly in a chair, Blue standing by his side with an angry look on his face. Phil was trying to calm Blue down, but clearly Blue was pissed.

"Blue," Phil begged, "please! I know that you're pissed but remember what Rose told you? You may not murder the Avengers. If you murdered them then it would make the doctors sad and you like the doctors, okay? So calm down."

Blue grunted and looked over at Tony and Bruce. He sighed and walked over to Rose.

Natasha accidentally hit an artery when cutting Rose and now Blue was pissed. He had stormed into the interrogation room and pinned Natasha against the wall and started rapidly speaking another language. I had to drag him off of her and the second he wasn't touching her anymore, he had run over to him and stopped the blood. Bruce had run in and fixed Rose up.

And now we were in the conference room. Blue was freaking out. He started to hit his head against the wall and speak in that language again. 

"Hey, kid," Tony said, grabbing Blue's shoulders and pulling him away from the wall. "I know you're worried but you've gotta calm down okay? Please calm down. When you hit your head against that wall it makes me nervous okay? I'll make sure that Rose is fine."

Blue stared at him a little bit before nodding stiffly. "Okay."

Tony smiled warmly. "Good. Let's go check on him alright?"

Blue nodded as Tony led him out of the room.

"Wow." Clint whistled. "That was sure something."

Phil nodded. "Blue adores Rose. You're so lucky that Miss Widow isn't dead. He'd have killed her is Flags didn't snap him out of it."

"Snap him out of it?" I asked. "I basically had to drag him off of her!"

Phil chuckled and then winced. "He let you."

Natasha POV

"Why?" I asked calmly. My back was still sore from getting slammed against the wall.

Phil shrugged. "Blue is the most loyal person you'll ever fucking meet. He would kill most of you if one of the doctors or Rose asked. We call him attack dog because that's what he's like. Loyal as fuck and vicious as hell."

"Language," Steve grumbled.

Phil chuckled. "Trust me Flags, once Blue gets comfortable you'll know every swear word in the English dictionary. A couple other languages too."

"What was that language he was speaking?" I asked calmly.

Phil smiled at me. "Well Miss Widow, I have no fucking clue. Rose thinks it Greek."

I nodded. I had suspected that as well but I wanted confirmation, which I guess I wasn't getting.

"So Phil," Clint said, "would Blue do anything for you?"

Phil shrugged. "As long as I'm Rose's friend, then Blue'll like me enough to protect me."

Clint nodded. "So if he likes us then we're safe?"

"If he likes you," Phil said, "you'll have the most powerful person by your side."

Sorry again for the short chapter. 481 words.

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