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I love writing from his POV
Tony POV

Before I could respond to Cap's mean insult, the elevator door opened, revealing Bruce, Rose, Phil, and Blue.

 Bruce walked out of the elevator, the others following behind him. He went to sit down, leaving the other three standing.

"What's wrong with Nick?" Clint asked.

I looked at Phil and saw that he was staring into space.

Rose sighed. "He's bad at paying attention."

Rose slapped the back of Phil's head. 

"What the fuck?!" He shouted, rubbing the back of his head. "Why'd you do that?!"

"We're here, Phil," Rose deadpanned.

Clint and I were trying to stifle our laughs. We actually liked him and didn't want to totally offend him...yet.

He waved at us sheepishly. "Hi."

I smirked. "Hi."

Rose straightened up, as if he was about to command people. "What did you need to talk about?"

I smiled lazily and stood up. "I wanted to talk to you guys about the rules in the tower."

Phil groaned. "I thought you were cool man!"

I laughed. "Hey, my rules are very laid back! If you want something, put it on the list in the kitchen, don't go into rooms with red Xs, and no murdering anybody in my tower."

Rose chuckled. "I think we can follow that and Blue adores you so I think he'll manage.

I smiled and nodded. "Good to hear. Ask Jarvis, or me, any questions you may have."

Phil raised an eyebrow. "Who's Jarvis?"


"ACK!" Phil tripped backwards and fell on his ass, Rose jumped up into Blue's arms, and Blue threw a knife at the wall.

Clint and I burst into laughter.

"It's like Scooby Doo!" Clint cackled.

"Gold!" I wheezed. "Absolute gold!"

Rose wrapped him arms around Blue's neck. 

"My prince charming," he swooned. "You saved me!"

Blue grunted. "Can it, shithead."

Clint and I erupted into another fit of laughter.

"Yeah, yeah," Phil grumbled, getting up and dusting himself off. "Laugh it up."

"I"-wheeze-"will!" I wheezed out.

Rose cleared his throat. "What did you need?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You aren't getting out of Blue's arms?"

"Why would I?"

"Cause he might get tired of holding you?" Clint chimed in.

Rose scoffed. "He won't drop me, will ya Blue-bell?"

Blue grumbled while Rose patted the side of his face.

I chuckled. "Anywho, Jarvis is my AI. If you need anything just ask him or me."

Rose nodded and told Blue to put him down. Blue and Phil flanked Rose like those gangster movies.

"Are we free to leave?" Rose asked.

I shook my head. "I have three more things to tell you."

Rose nodded. "Shoot."

I held a finger up. "One; gym's on 75th floor, two; Jarvis calls you for meals, and three; Cap wakes up at an ungodly hour."

Phil chuckled. "Blue's the same way. I'm not even sure he sleeps."

Blue rolled his eyes. I snorted, surprised he was showing so much emotion.

"Well," Rose said, "If you don't mind, we'll be going to the gym."

I waved my hand. "Not at all. Have fun."

They walked away and I sighed.

"I'm going to my lab," I said, walking towards the second elevator. I pushed the button and when the doors closed I rubbed my face.

"Time for some alone time," I mumbled to myself.

523 words today. I know it is a little short today, but the chapters are weird.

Gangster meets AvengersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ