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Clint's POV

Nicky was pretty decent at fighting. I mean, he held his own against Nat for almost a minute straight! 

It was my turn to fight Auntie and I was excited. He seemed a lot like Tony, always joking around, but he also seemed to be strong and smart.

"Hiya, Birdman!" Auntie smiled, bowing at me. "I'm Auntie."

I chuckled. "Hi, Auntie. You can call me Clint if you want."

Auntie nodded. "Will do, Clint-aroo."

"Stop talking shithead," Blue growled. "Fight."

"Stop being so impatient, Blue-bell," Auntie tutted. "You just want it to be your turn."

Blue grunted. "Yeah, so hurry the fuck up."

Auntie sighed. "Fine."

Auntie and I walked over to the mat and got into fighting stances.

Auntie's stance was relaxed, but guarded. I had a feeling he's the kinda guy who'd go defense. I lunged forward and went to punch him in the face, but he dodged, kicking my ankle and making me stumble.

As I was caught off guard, he tried to push me over, but I grabbed his arms and pulled him down with me. I rolled him over my head and tried to sit on him. It was pretty hard since he was struggling though and I about lost my grip.

"Barton wins!" Fury shouted. "Antonio-"

"Auntie," Auntie sassed.

Fury glared at him. "Whatever the hell you want to call yourself: you lasted 39 seconds."

Auntie shrugged. "Cool with me."

He rubbed his hands together. "Time to see Blue fight. Warning, he fights like a demon."

Fury nodded. "I've seen him fight."

Auntie chuckled. "That wasn't Blue fighting. That was just Blue messin' around. Wasn't it buddy?"

Blue's smile looked like a shark. "Fuck yeah. Nobody alive has ever really seen me damn fight."

Auntie smiled. "Am I gonna get to see ya today?"

Blue shook his head. "Hell no."

Nicky sighed. "Meanie."

Blue nodded. "I'm a class-A asshole."

Tony snorted. "I love this kid."

Blue's face twitched before it went back to normal. I wonder what that was about.

"No more talking," Fury growled. "Rogers and the crazy one. Fight!"

Blue growled. 

"Rather fight you asshole," he mumbled. Tony and I laughed. 

Blue turned to Auntie and tilted his head like a dog. "What level?"


Auntie tapped his chin. "Start at 1 and if it gets harder go to 3."

Blue nodded. He turned back to Rogers and got into a stance. I couldn't find any weaknesses at all! He was ready to go offense or defense.

Cap got into a stance and started to circle Blue, but the kid didn't move. Instead he followed Rogers with his eyes. 

It was unnerving how perfectly his eyes were on Cap. Like a wolf.

Cap lunged forward to punch Blue in the jaw, but Blue ducked and shoved at the captain's feet. Rogers fell over and rolled onto his stomach. He jumped up and went to punch Blue's abdomen.  


I winced. Blue's breath hitched slightly before he grabbed the captain in a headlock and looked over to Auntie.

Auntie nodded his head and Blue threw Rogers over his shoulder. I was surprised. One of Blue's bones broke or cracked and he just ignored it and threw the captain over his shoulder! 

Blue got on Rogers and held his arms above his head. Rogers tried to get his arms free, but it was no use.

"Blue wins!" Auntie yelled. "Now get off Captain America Blue."

Blue grunted and let go off Rogers and walked over to Auntie.

"Six ribs," Auntie said to Bruce.

Bruce ran over to Blue and dragged him over to a bench. He told Blue to lay down and Bruce checked his ribs.

"Yes," Bruce said. "You have broken another rib. Why did you hit him so hard Steve?"

Rogers blushed. "It was an accident, I swear!"

Bruce grumbled and then sighed. "Not much I can do for you Blue. It has to heal on it's own."

"Don't worry," Auntie said. "He heals really fast. That rib'll take a week to get better."

Bruce raised an eyebrow but decided to not say anything.

"Next test," Fury said, "is to see how well you hold information."

"So torture?" Nicky asked.

"Yep!" Auntie said smiling.

Nicky groaned. "Ugh!"

Auntie laughed. "Sucker."

Chapter's a little short but oh well. 671 words.

Gangster meets AvengersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt