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841 words. That was Boss. He's supposed to be bigger but you kinda get the point.

Tony POV

I was just chillin with the Avengers when Natasha touched her earpiece. After a couple seconds she looked over to us. 

"Guys, suit up," she demanded. "Fury needs us. He wants us down there, like, now."

I jumped out the window and told Jarvis to turn on my suit. I flew to the location Natasha gave me and when I saw it I crashed through the roof. I saw some dead bodies and a man with his face covered in blood fighting Nicky, along with two other men fighting some S.H.I.E.L.D people.

"Finally!" Nicky yelled. "Get the man with black hair!"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Nicky."

I shot a stun beam at the man that Nicky was fighting, and was shocked when he didn't fall over, but instead growled at me! Like a fucking dog! He turned around and snarled, twisting the nasty scar on his face.

"I want my fucking knife," he growled at Nicky. His voice was rough with a raspy quality to it, as if he didn't use it a lot. "I'll stop killing your fucking men if you give me my goddamn knife!"

A knife? He's killing people over a fucking knife?! 

I turned to Fury. "What the hell is he talking about, Nicky?"

"I took his knife because he stabbed his Boss."

I whipped my head back over to the kid. "The fuck kid?! Why'd you do that?!"

The man just growled louder. "He asked, shithead. Now give me my fucking knife, Nicky," he snarled the directors name like poison, "because I can assure you that if I have no issue stabbing my Boss then I'd certainly have no issue stabbing you."

"Whoa, kid," I said, raising my hands. "If Nicky over here gives you you're knife, then do you promise to come with me and answer some questions without shoving your, very beautiful, knife into my skull?"

The man looked over the other men and tilted his head like a puppy. He walked over to the fighting men and held the two S.H.I.E.L.D agents by the back of their shirts. 

"Rose?" The crazy dude asked.

The brown-haired man shrugged. "I don't mind, Blue. Then you can get your knife back and I can meet Captain America!"

The blonde man rolled his eyes. "Screw Captain America. I wanna meet Hawkeye!"

"I like Hulk and Iron man," crazy dude-'Blue'-mumbled.

I chuckled. "Don't know many people who like the Hulk, but okay kid. I'm happy I'm on your list."

Blue nodded and 'Rose' chuckled. "I'm happy he talked to someone else other than me."

I decided to ignore the comment. I opened my mouth, but before I could say anything the other Avengers-minus Brucy-crashed the party.

Blue growled and got in front of the other two men.

Great, I thought sarcastically. He just got calm and they riled him up again.

"It's cool," I said before things could escalate. "He's cool! They're cool. They're coming with us to answer questions. Stand down."

The Avengers relaxed slightly.

The blonde one fanned his face. "It's Hawkeye!"

Rose slapped the back of his head. "Shut up you fucking idiot! Captain America is standing in front of meeee! Blue," he yelled, grabbing his shoulders and shaking the other man. "Get out of your neutral face, you fucking attack dog! It's Captain America!"

"Don't forget about Hawkeye," the other man yelled.

"Shut the fuck up Phil! I'm talking to the attack dog and I'll fucking send him at you unless you say Captain America is better then Hawkeye!"

'Phil' reeled back. "Don't send Blue at me! That's cruel, even for you, you sick bastard!"

Rose smiled evilly. "I'll do it and you know I will. I've sent him after Cam."

Phil shivered. "Cam's poor face."

"Excuse me," Capsicle said. "Why are you calling him an attack dog?"

"And what happened to Cam's face," Birdbrain chimed in.

Rose and Phil looked at each other. "They're talking to us," they squealed in sink.

Blue growled.

Rose smacked the back of his head. "It's fine, Blue. Those were happy squeals. Not squeals of pain. Leave our heroes be. They are off limits."

Blue whined.

"Nope," Rose said to him. He turned to his heroes. "I'm calling Blue an attack dog cause if I said 'sick em' then he'd beat up whoever I was pointing at. I don't know how he was raised, but he is a vicious son of a bastard." Rose chuckled and ruffled Blue's hair. Blue's lips twitched upwards. 

"And Cam's nose was ripped off and he lost an eye," Phil said.

Captain gasped. "Why?!"

Rose smiled. "I told Blue to 'sick em'."

"But why?" Natasha asked calmly.

Rose frowned. "They didn't like Roses! Roses are sick! Also Blue thought Cam was making fun of me so my sweet Blue-bell was already half on top of him before I could finish his 'attack phrase'. Blue's real loyal once he likes someone. You should definitely make him your ally."

"Why," Nicky asked, narrowing his eye.

Rose smiled. "Cause we want protection and you want someone you can control. You make us safe and if Blue likes one of you then you have a very powerful attack dog nicknamed the Ghost."

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