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"She doesn't even go here!" -Mean Girls 2004 

Arabella had been spending her whole afternoon getting ready for the party. Her parents were out of town with some friends, and she had the whole house to herself. She invited some of the Sophomores, most of the Juniors, and all of the Senior class, being that it was pretty much the end of the year. 

She had her stepbrother buy them the beer, and she sent her boyfriend out to get food. Everything was in place. She wanted to make sure that this was the talk of the next week, being that Prom was only a few weeks away. Everyone was going to be there. That's all that mattered. 

Chimes came from her phone that was sitting on the marble counter in her kitchen. Her stepmother Clarisse was always remodeling it, now the cabinets were painted an olive green and the tiles on the walls were a blindly white. Arabella hated it. But her father did whatever made Clarisse happy, so this was what came out of it. 

Arabella glanced at the comments that popped up on her phone, mostly compliments about her latest post with her and her friend, Maddie Preston, sitting at the pool that was just outside of the kitchen window. Arabella worked hard to maintain a very active social media presence and made sure that every photo was perfect. 

Almost too perfect. 

One comment, however, made her gut twist into knots. The comment was from some other girl in junior year, someone that Arabella did not like whatsoever who was trying to become captain of the cheer team next year. The comment said, 'She tries too hard. No wonder her boyfriend is cheating on her.' 

Arabella swiped the comment away, taking a shaky breath. Of course, Miles wasn't cheating on her. He loved her. He went out to get her whatever she needed. Always supported her. Cheered her on, listened to her problems. All of it. He knew everything about her, and she knew everything about him... Of course, he knew most of the stuff about her. 

"We're here, babe!" She heard Miles shout from the front of the house. He had multiple bags of food, and somehow a couple packs of beers that he was balancing in his hands. Arabella forced a smile, kissing his cheek and peering around the kitchen to see Miles' handsome twin brother, Parker, come through the door. 

Parker and Miles were unidentical twins; Miles being a red head that was a little bit shorter, and Parker having jet black hair. Parker was one of the tallest guys in their grade, and somehow did not have a girlfriend. Unlike Miles who played football, Parker played basketball and ran for the track team. He also had a much better record than Miles. 

Parker was the better twin a hundred percent. And Arabella couldn't help but be in hopelessly in love with him. 

Miles started pulling out the food, lazily placing bags of chips and packets of candy and cookies and the Lord only knows what else all across the counter. He had already opened a beer and smirked at Arabella. "Looking hot, babe." 

She hated being called babe with a burning passion. But she suppressed those feelings and smiled. "Thanks," She watched Parker in the corner of her eye, him wearing a nice, navy blue polo and black jeans, while her own boyfriend was wearing his usual letterman jacket and dirty football shorts. 

Why she chose Miles, she had no idea. Maybe it was because he chose her. 

Parker gave her a sweet smile before scoffing at his brother, "Really. You're drinking now? It's four!" Miles waved him off, walking passed Arabella and Parker and heading off in the living room down the hall. 

Meanwhile, Arabella heard her phone chime again. 

Parker offered to help with the food, which Arabella gratefully accepted, while Arabella checked her phone again. Another horrible comment was displayed on her homepage. Screwing her eyes shut, she turned off her phone and went back to setting the food with Parker. "You okay?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. Something that Miles would have never done. 

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