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  The end of the potions lesson was nearing and Rosalie was eager to leave the classroom. Tom, as usual, opted to sit beside her, and as an unexpected surprise, It was Ben's first day back at Hogwarts since she had framed him and had Tom scare him away.

  It was an awkward state she found herself in. The morning was getting to everyone, and yawns were spread through the class, but Rosalie kept herself unlarmingly uncomfortable thanks to the boys around her.

  As she looked down to her workbook, her eyes scanned over the pages they were meant to be reading, she tried desperately to not let her eyes shift over to Tom, who always managed to forget every embarrassing moment that had happened between them and act as if nothing had happened. Right now, he acted as if last night had only been a dream she had had, no emotion whatsoever on his face to tell her different.

  Tom, however, was in complete miserable pain. If he even dared to look at the girl sitting beside him, the trail of disgusting feelings wouldn't be far behind. At every turn he tried to bury what she made him feel, affection, desire, love even. He would shiver if he made himself think about it any longer.

  At the front of the classroom, Slughorn was blinded by happiness at the fact that his two favourite students had apparently gotten together, though he had yet to ask how and when. He looked over at them occasionally; young lover's in his eyes, too scared and in love to really look at each other.

  He stood himself up from his desk, his curiousity getting the better of him. Rosalie and Tom each had a concerned look building on their faces as he trotted over happily. On an instinct, Tom shifted his chair closer so their arms touched, wanting to look as in love as possible, a display for his favourite teacher.

  "Tom, Rosalie my dear." Slughorn acknowledged them at first, Tom looked away from his studies and each of them gave their Professor a nod.

  "Good morning Professor." Rosalie said.

  Slughorn bit at his tongue, noticing how close they sat. Rose dropped her hands off of their table, accidentally brushing Tom's hand in the process. 

  She looked down and slightly towards him at her accident, not entirely meeting his gaze, her mind still buzzing from their almost-kiss the night passed. She should've expected that Tom would try use his charm to get information out of her. She believed that he didn't really care about her.

  Tom's nostrils flared, his skin sparking at the slight touch against her warm skin. It sent him into a frenzy, and under the table, he dragged her hand back to his from her lap, holding down tight on it without really understanding what he was doing.

  Rosalie froze, her mouth opening just in the slightest way.

  Slughorn leant against their table slightly, not noticing the situation happening beneath it. "Now, I've heard some rumours about the two of you, and usually I'm not one to indulge in such primitive gossip, but I do have a curiousity. Are you two-"

  "She's min- my girlfriend." Tom coughed quickly, his grip tightening down on Rosalie's hand, falling limp in his grasp. Rose's mind was too numb with an overflow of activity she barely new how to respond. She could, however, make out one thing from the sweat coming off of Tom's hands. He was nervous.

  Slughorn's eyes burst with delight.

  "Oh in Merlins good name, really? You're not both pulling my leg are you?" Slughorn grinned happily, already believing it for himself, but he liked confirmation.

  Rose forced a large smile on her face.

  "Tommy and I would never do such a thing Professor- I think it's partly thanks to you that we're together." Her grin grew louder to match the power of Slughorn's.

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