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The Assignment

  Rosalie Grindelwald came down with a shock, her stomach still in a mess of knots from the fall- if you could call apparition a fall. Her head was invaded with a ping of pain, shooting through the left side. She held her hand to her forehead.

  The girl steadied herself, blinking her eyes open and allowing the sun to pool into them, taking in the scenery of the grassy field she stood on. It was still warm, being early September. Rosalie felt the orange warmth soak into her skin until she was fully awake.

  She recognised the castle the moment her eyes landed on it. Her feet moved before her brain could, and she was soon on her way through the twisting corridors of the stone building. She could feel the very history at her fingertips. Rosalie could barely recall how old the castle was, but she had heard of the school's greatness.

  The hallways were crowded due to it being the first day of school, and Rosalie found that she had arrived later than she had hoped. Her first day at a new school and she was already falling behind, what would her father think? 

  She stopped a girl in a blue accented uniform, softly touching her arm.

  "Excuse me, but could you point me in the direction of the Headmaster's office?" Rosalie asked politely, the girl smiled graciously, glad she could be of any help as she informed Rosalie where to go, three classrooms in the right direction and to the staircase.

  Rosalie thanked her and went on her way, the words of what her father had said to her this morning bouncing around in her head. Rosalie was surprised she was even here, it was rare for her father to let her stray so far from their home in Hungary.


  "Rosie, my dear. Come here, why don't you?" Her father called her over from her spot on the reading chair, where Rosalie was usually curled up with a book on some form of magic. She was happening to read over horcruxes.

  Her father had his followers over, they were seated at a round table, discussing something that Rosalie would prefer not to hear, how they were planning on oppressing the muggles for the greater good of the wizarding society. The thought of it made her feel sick. Rosalie's father thought her weak because of that exact nature.

  Nevertheless, She got up from her chair, eager in why he had called her over, as it was unusual. His high followers at the table spoke among themselves, also curious of Rosalie. Father put his hand on her arm comfortingly.

  "You've been homeschooled for seventeen years. How would you like it to go to a real school?" He said kindly. He always spoke kindly to her, which was what scared her. Rosalie knew his true intentions, which she stayed far away from.

  Rosalie could feel a smile grow on her face without a whim to stop it. She looked at him carefully, wondering if this was some kind of mean joke.

  "Really father?" She asked quickly, she put her entire gaze on him hopefully.

  "Of course my dear. I believe you're ready for it." He looked over to his colleagues who shrugged their shoulders, not against the idea that her father had. Though, she wondered what any of it had to do with them.

  She looked across the faces at the table, until one spoke.

  "Do you think she could, Gellert?"

  "Don't question him, Grindelwald knows what he's doing." Another one snapped.

  Rosalie looked back down at her father who looked fondly up at her.

Rosalie ⎮ Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now