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Earl Grey

  Tom was slowly bringing himself to face the very facts he had once dreaded concerning Rosalie. He would be an utter fool if he didn't acknowledge and utilise her power. That was his initial reasoning behind suggesting such an infuriating and strange performance that they would now have to put on.

  Rosalie found herself, a day later, now wondering what was going on inside her head when she had accepted such a proposal. Surely Tom had forced her into it, using some kind of dark and uncontrollable magic. She was so desperate that she had let herself say yes to dating Tom Riddle. Even if it was just a show for the both of them, she wasn't sure she could act like she could even tolerate him in front of people.

  "Are you sure this will work? If it doesn't we're just putting ourselves in an incredibly uncomfortable position for nothing. We don't have to do this Tom- let's just call this whole thing off." 

  Rosalie stood in the courtyard between the potions and transfiguration classroom with Tom, under the shade of the only tree decorating the space.

  Tom looked down at her, noticing the hesitance on her face that still refused to face him. The comparison between last night and now was night and day, she had been full of confidence the night before, and now she looked like she was about to fall over at the thought of what they were about to do.

  Even he was a little bit cornered off to the idea, having a woman in such close proximity to him, even if every muscle in his body found her one of the most beautiful creatures to walk the earth; there was only one way to make Coriolanus instantly angry and jealous.

  "There's no point in turning back now." He took a breath and kept his eyes on her, even if she refused to reciprocate it, he had gotten used to her casual disrespect, a quality he wouldn't have her fix because it made her all the more interesting.

  "But to give you peace of mind, it will work. Coriolanus has a temper that is just waiting to explode, he already suspects-" He was unable to finish the sentence.

  Rosalie looked down, knowing what he was talking about.

  "I don't know why anyone would think that." She scoffed, all she omitted was hate for the man, it was a perplexing thought to imagine that some thought there really was something between them.

  Now they were to give them all false hope into the rumour, Rose could already imagine the spark of rumours that would spread, the absolute wonder on how this had happened. Tom and Rosalie would have to put on some largely charismatic acting to get anyone to believe it.

  "Neither do I. It's completely unthinkable." Tom replied, his breathing slowed as he tried to stop his mind from convincing him otherwise. Memories clouded his judgement, ones of the party they had attended and the way he felt when she even spoke to another man that wasn't him.

  When he had found her and Coriolanus alone, he kept his anger stuffed inside him, and when that disgusting student had insinuated that he had- done something with Rosalie, it made him all the more angrier.

  Rosalie had made him feel more emotions in a few months than he had ever felt in his entire life.

  "Do you really think this is the only way?" Rosalie finally looked up at Tom, who had been waiting for her patiently. He read the thoughts behind her eyes, and licked up the fear this whole situation brought to her.

  There probably was another way, but Tom, too filled with greed, refused to see it. This was a deal that his deeper soul agreed with, keeping Rosalie to himself while being convinced he had no such weak feelings like love.

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