Chapter 15: The Vytal Festival Tournament: Round 1!

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(Sorry I took a long time to return, I had to attend to my real life but I'm back now, let's get this shit going!)

The Amity Coliseum was filled with thundering cheers from students and civilians from all over the world. In the field of volcanic earth and icy glaciers below, two teams were facing off in the first round of the 43rd Vytal festival tournament.

Port: "For those of you just now joining us, welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament, broadcast live from the Amity Colosseum! If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules."


Oobleck: "The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds; teams, doubles, and singles. Age and school year are irrelevant! In this tournament, your only attribute being skill."

Port: "Correct! The winners of this battle will elect two of their members to represent them in the doubles round, followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance once again. The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdom!"

Oobleck: "And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to spectate on! I don't think anyone tuning in around the world is going to disagree with me on that!"

Port: "Ahh, and why would they? Now, let's get back to the match between Team SCLT of Beacon and Team ORNG, of Atlas."

(Battle Music!)

Sparks flew as Lance clashed with team ORNG's leader Orlando Vice

Lance: "You know how this is gonna end, right?"

Orlando: "I'm a fighter, not a fortune teller!" The two stood evenly match a top the molten earth until the ground beneath them started to crack apart, Lance jumped back a bit as a lava pool erupts in front of him blocking his view. He then turns to see Cassie dodging and toying with Naomi Sanders who fought using a battle axe.


Cassie: "Lemme thing about it...okay, I've thought about it, and I. Pass!" The two seemed about even in strength but Cassie had the advantage in speed. After getting a few laughs out, she gets serious and webs her eyes up and shoots Passion and Fury at her, damaging her aura quite a lot, that is until a sniper shot from Ginger Green and Ross Flynn forces Cassie to back away. Ducking behind a rock all of team SCLT gets together.

Y/N: "Well this is annoying, they're sticking to the ice and I hate fighting on cold terms!"

Cassie: "I'm open to any ideas."

Aston: "Aye it wid pure sook tae lose in th' foremaist round."

Lance: "What about your semblance, Y/N? Can't you just whip up a strong sunlight?"

Y/N: "Yes I can but that's not how it works, it would only make it harder for us all to see due to the steam from the melting ice!"

Lance: "Bingo!" He hands out some goggles to them. "Thermal goggles, they'll trace heat signatures as white silhouettes and ours with a blip so we'll know who's who."

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