Chapter 14: Mount Glenn Part 2 And The White Fang.

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After setting up camp at Mount Glenn, Ruby wondered off on her own, The rest were sitting around the campfire

Oobleck: "Excellent work, students! Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal operations in this sector. Oh, well!"

Yang: "Hey, Doc, y'know, I was actually looking forward to seeing a 'pro Huntsman' in action. Like, fighting, or at least, helping us fight?"

Aston: "Aye, aren't we meant tae be shadowing ye?"

Oobleck: "Ah, but I am in action! Scouring the ruins of this once-great city for any signs of irregularity! Not every mission is filled with daring and heroism. Sometimes it's just a heightened form of extermination! Remember, this is a job, and you all signed up for it. I do hope you understand that. By the way Mr. Sun, I never asked why you and your team want to be huntsmen and huntresses, why?"

Y/N: "If I'm being honest, I don't honestly know, I guess to help people?"

Cassie: "To be the best fighter ever!"

Lance: "Same reason as Weiss."

Aston: "You don't wanna know.."

Oobleck: "Very well! Now we must rest!" He then sips some of his coffee knocks himself out.

Weiss: "How does he do this?"

Lance: "I don't think we want to know the answer..."

Blake: "Agreed...wait...where's Ruby?"

-With Ruby-

Ruby: "So...this is what Mount Glenn was meant to be?" She said as Zwei walked with her, he then diverted away and the sound of water hitting the ground could be heard. "Really Zwei? This place is a wasteland? You can literally go-" She was interrupted as the ground beneath her started to crack. "...Anywhere?" she then fell but not before catching onto the edge with Crescent Rose, but it wasn't stable. "Zwei! Go get the others!!" Zwei barked and ran back the way they came, Ruby then heard the edge crack as she fell into the dark pit.

-Back With The Others-

Aston: "WAKE UP!" He was yelling at Oobleck to try and wake him up, nothing was working. "What's in that damn drink?!"

Cassie: "Let me try this!" She then takes a deep breath in and...

Oobleck: His eyes then shoot open. "Ah, Miss Quill, what time is it?"

Cassie: "Told you it works!"

Yang: "Ruby's missing!"

Oobleck: He then shot up in a flash. "THEN LET'S NOT WASTE TIME! LET'S START SEARCHING!!" He then starts looking almost everywhere quickly.

Blake: "When we get back, we're superglue his coffee mug shut..."

Weiss: "I'm way ahead of you..." Zwei then came back and up to Weiss. "AAAAHOHMYGODIT'SZWEIIII!!" she starts giving him endless head pats as Zwei starts barking."

Yang: "Huh, what's that boy?" Zwei kept barking.

Y/N: "You can speak dog?"

Yang: "Pfft, no, I just understand him so well." Zwei then barked one more time and Yang got the message. "I know where Ruby is!"

Oobleck: Zips up to Yang. "Well then, where?!"

Yang: She points at Zwei. "Follow the doggo!" Everyone nodded as they followed Zwei to where Ruby fell. "Here?" Zwei nods.

RWBY: A Scarlet Paradox! (RWBY X Male Koraidon Faunus Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ