Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Lorelei walked to the corridor she had seen Stone frequent and brought her camera. He had returned three more times since the first, and each time he threatened her. Desperate to reignite any memories Stone may have had, she left the camera peeking under the cushion of the daybed, hoping he would find it when he came back and find his way back to her. Though uncertain if he would return to that spot again, a spark of hope burned within her heart, refusing to be extinguished.

The news of the forthcoming ceremony weighed heavily on Lorelei's mind. Queen Galina had spoken loudly in the grand hall for everyone to hear that the ceremony was only two nights away, and Stone couldn't wait to get his hands on her. Had it been almost a month that they were held captive there? She only had ten days until she would need the potion again. She hadn't seen the Djinn since their meeting in the library and wondered if Queen Galina had discovered their secret and locked her away.

That night, they were forced to attend yet another political party. Only this time, there was one small caveat.

She had to go alone.

Lord Vinter dragged her through the halls, and though she tried to fight, he was too strong for her. She had never been to that part of the castle before and noticed that Queen Galina had put her dark touches on it. The room was covered with dark tapestries as if any sort of light would kill the woman. There was a large table in the middle of the room with candles and black roses adorning it.

She eyed the evil woman sitting at the head, Stone to her right. She didn't dare look at him for fear of seeing the darkness again, but Lord Vinter led her to the chair opposite Stone and ordered her to sit. Callia sat next to her mother, looking small and unwell. When Lorelei caught her eye, she was surprised to find a hint of kindness behind them.

In the corner, two giant wolves were changed to a pillar. Carew and Tame. They growled at her, acknowledging that they were there with her, on her side. Carew, the one she knew had lighter-colored fur, bled from his paw. What had she done to them?

Lorelei carefully navigated her way to the table, her dress so tight that she worried it might tear if she moved too quickly. She sat on the velvet cushion, her eyes scanning the table. The Djinn was still nowhere to be found, and all the other seats were filled except for the one next to her.

Queen Galina's servants filled the jeweled goblets spread across with a red liquid.

"It's wine, not blood," Queen Galina said, her eyes glistening with mischief.

"Why am I here?" Lorelei asked.

The woman frowned. "Such insolence when I fed and clothed you. Surely, being High Queen, if only briefly, taught you some manners."

A few people at the table laughed, and Lorelei scowled at them. She recognized one of them from the High Council. Lady Freya, a Priestess who apparently did not share the preference for humble robes now that she was with Queen Galina. She wore the same tiara as the first day Lorelei had seen her in the courtyard. Her dark green dress had a corset, cinching her waist to an inhumane size. Her hair fell in loose brown rings down her back. Her nose was tiny, and her eyes large as if in a perpetual state of surprise.

The hall doors swung open, and a fire ignited in her stomach as he strutted in and sat beside her. His confident demeanor and air of superiority set her on edge, and she glared at him, determined not to give into Queen Galina's games any longer as Lord Garyth sat down next to her.

His icy smirk sent a chill down her spine, but she gathered herself and faced forward, refusing to acknowledge him. Queen Galina's eye sparkled with evil glee.

"Finally, our guest of honor has joined us!" Queen Galina said.

"Sorry, I'm late, my Queen. Got held up by a couple of rowdy half-mags. I took care of them. They're down in the dungeons with the rest of them."

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