Chapter Five

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The door creaked open to reveal Dorales' tall, slender frame filling the entryway. But it was the small figure lurking behind her that gave Lorelei pause. Half-hidden in the Royal Vizier's shadow stood a diminutive man with a long, crimson beard flowing down to the stone floor. His inky black eyes glimmered as he offered an awkward bow.

"Your Highness, my name is Barrentine Crowley, from the Realm of Terran. My family has been dressing the Light Court for over a century, and it is my honor to pledge our support to you and continue service to the new High Queen."

He took a low bow, then stood up, his face flushed.

"Uh." Lorelei shifted her weight to the other foot. "Thank you, Barrentine. I look forward to it."

His eyes shone brighter, and four large measuring tapes appeared out of thin air with a snap of his fingers. They each sailed towards them, measuring every aspect of their bodies while Barrentine took notes, his fingers moving across a piece of paper in a blur. Dorales sat on the couch nearest the door and peered at them over her spectacles, held up by her long, pointed nose.

"Now, this season's fashion is quite different from the rest, and as a new High Queen, we can't have you dressing ordinary. I hate, no, sashes won't do."

Barrentine continued muttering as he worked, and thirty minutes later, the measuring tapes disappeared. Lorelei collapsed onto the couch, hoping that the fitting was over, but with a snap of his fingers, combs, and brushes glided toward her hair like menacing hawks.

The tugs and pulls on her hair were anything but pleasant, and Lorelei said a silent prayer of thanks when the last pin pierced her bun, convinced one of them had punctured her skull. Barrentine whispered a few words under his breath and then waved his hands dramatically, causing clothing of all colors and fabrics to appear before them.

"The rest are in your rooms, dears," Barrentine said as he bounced on his toes. "But here is a sneak peek."

Marthie looked over each article with her mouth half-opened. She loved clothes.

"Marvelous, really, Barrentine, these are works of art," she said to him. He blushed, clearly pleased with himself and the compliment.

"It's time to prepare for the Ostara dinner," Dorales said. She gathered a stack of papers on the couch beside her and stood up, handing them out. "Your class schedules and maps. Don't lose them. The guard will escort you."

She made for the door, followed by Barrentine, who gave them a quick wink before closing the doors behind him. The girls each went to their respective rooms to clean up.

Lorelei ran the water in the tub and hopped in before it was full, careful not to ruin her hair. She lathered soap onto a sponge and gently caressed her tired body with it. It smelled like fresh flowers. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, listening to the steady stream of the running water as her arms floated around her. She lightly traced her fingers over the raised scar on her chest. It was still visibly red and irritated.

Two weeks ago, she was a girl from Rocheport who liked to run in the woods, swim with her friends, and make homemade enchiladas with her father. Now, she would be the High Queen of a magical court she knew nothing about, ruling over people she had never met and living in a place she had never been.

She needed to focus on the main mission- Getting to her father's body. A crown wouldn't change the fact that she was practically orphaned. Fancy dinners couldn't mask her inadequacy. She kept looking over her shoulder, waiting for someone to burst through the door, tell her she was stupid to believe she was a queen, and send her home.

Lorelei exited the tub and dried off before staring at herself in the mirror. Barrentine had given her an elegant updo hairstyle, with light curls framing her face. She went to her closet, which seemed bigger than her entire house back home. Barrentine filled it with clothes of silk, velvet, and other fabrics. She was happy to see that her jeans and sweaters from her luggage didn't get tossed away. A stunning blue evening gown caught her eye as she perused the racks of dresses. Its halter top neckline and form-fitting silhouette accentuated her body, hugging her curves. If she were going down, at least it would be in a pretty dress.

Book of Wishes - House of Bloodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें