Chapter Twenty-Four

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Anxiety radiated off of Stone as he continued to pace the library, muttering to himself under his breath. Lorelei, Greer and Duna were studying, trying to find a way to combat the Wraith poison still lingering in her leg.

The news of the trial had come as a shock. Cairbre had secret contacts that alerted him immediately when the trial was announced. With no way to speak with Callia and the suspicion that something must have gone terribly wrong, the tension in the room became palpable.

"I still don't understand how they can call you to trial," Duna said. "You're the High King, and you were protecting the Light High Queen."

"I'm not sure either," Greer said, worry spreading across his face.

"Where is the trial being held?" Lorelei asked as she grabbed Stone's hand and forced him to settle down.

"The Kingdom of Nethilor, that's where Callia is from. Her mother, the Hive Queen, is taking me to trial."

Lorelei gasped. "Why else would she do this?"

Stone raised his brows and put a hand under his chin. "It's no secret that she and Elsivier used to be lovers."

Lorelei and Duna froze.

"Okay, maybe a little bit of a secret," Stone said. "She didn't outright support him in the war after he pretty much ditched her for your mom, Lore. But her politics align with his. She could be working with my father to get me to go back there."

He started pacing again, throwing some scrolls to the floor. "I never should have sent Callia."

"She has Carew and Tame. For all we know, they escaped and hid like us. You can't go," Lorelei demanded. "Not if it's a trap."

He shook his head, and she knew stopping him would be more dangerous in the long run. If he was officially called to trial, he needed to show face. They couldn't expect to be effective rulers if they did not play by the rules, no matter how unfair the circumstances.

But she knew the real reason he wanted to go. He felt guilty for sending Callia to Nethilor. From what he revealed, her mother abused her, jealous of her beauty and attention. It would seem that Callia's desperate persistence to stay with Stone was not only out of infatuation but self-preservation. He had ordered her to go back to the darkness.

"I'm going with you," Lorelei said.

"Absolutely not. It's too dangerous," he said. But she didn't listen, storming out of the library and yelling for everyone to meet her in the first-floor drawing room.

"What's going on?" Nash asked, settling into the room. Marthie and Wade followed.

"Stone," she started. "Is being tried by Callia's mother in Nethilor and thinks it's a good idea to go alone. Given the circumstances, it's most likely a trap, and we need a plan."

"She is allied with father," Nash stated. "There's a good chance she's working against us. Stone, you can't just walk in there," his eyes were fearful and pleading.

Stone softened a bit but refused to have anyone come with him. After hours of throwing ideas back and forth, they finally found one with the slightest chance that they would end up dead.

Stone and Lorelei would go to Nethilor, and Stone would turn himself in. Once the trial began, he would plead guilty and make some sort of a deal with his punishment.

"How do we know they will go for that offer?" Marthie asked. "I mean, what's the incentive for them to go along with it?"

"Stone agrees to marry Callia," Lorelei said after a thoughtful silence. "Stone said it himself. She's pushed for their union for years and clearly believes it will accomplish something for her."

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