Chapter Sixteen

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How could they not tell her? How could they not even mention that this was possible? Lorelei paced her room. Her hair sat messy atop her head, and her sweatpants had stains of vanilla ice cream. After hearing about what happened, Stone had brought it to her a few nights ago. She had chosen to get past what happened in the infirmary, and after what happened in Ethermoor, she realized that everyone was right; she should have never gone there. She had been thinking with her heart that was ridden with guilt for the dead girl rather than with her brain.

"Lore," Stone said, watching her stare out the window. They were in her bedroom. She ignored him.

Lorelei had seethed with anger when Dorales explained the Provocatio. The thought of someone challenging her for the throne and potentially taking it from her was a slap in the face. He had been planning her demise since it was announced that she would become High Queen. The Provocatio had never been called in the history of the Courts, and the Genus task, a race through treacherous terrain to a golden cup at the end, was a test of strength and capability. Lorelei had only four weeks to train but knew it was futile. Lord Garyth was stronger and more capable than she was, and they both knew it. She suspected he had only spoken to her on the balcony that night to intimidate her, knowing what he was planning.

Stone sat on the couch, urging her to do the same. Despite her feelings of betrayal, he was the first person she reached out to on the way back from Ethermoor, and she had found him waiting in her throne room.

Carew and Tame were concerned, and even Callia seemed to be on edge. They told her that the magical bond of the challenge was already in place, and neither party could back out of it until the task had been completed and a winner declared.

After stewing for a few days, she couldn't think of any way to save herself and her throne. She sat down next to Stone and laid her head on his shoulders, fighting tears back.

"I can't win this. He's too strong."

Stone caressed her back with soothing touches. "You are stronger. I need you to believe that, Lore."

He bent down, lifting her chin to his. She melted in the river of silvers and blues. "I won't let him hurt you."

"But why not just let him have the throne?" She slammed her head down on the pillows. "He clearly wants it and would be a better fit than me."

Stone shook his head, his frown deepening. "You can't let Garyth win, Lorelei. He's only doing this because he's greedy and selfish. What if he's the one behind the attacks? We can't let someone like that rule your court. You were chosen."

She didn't know what had come over her, but she suddenly shifted and pushed onto him. She looked up at him, her eyes heavy with desire and fear. He met her gaze, his eyes filled with emotion as he brushed a strand of hair from her face. She recognized the tension between them, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

"You can do this," he whispered, sending her waves of heat that rushed into her brain. It was as if he could send her waves of emotions through the red thread bound to her magic. She grabbed his head and brought him to her lips, pouring herself into him, running her hands down his chest until she met his hardened length. He quelled under her touch, and a deep moan escaped his lips. She caressed him softly as his hands found their way up her shirt, squeezing each of her breasts fervently. She shifted back just long enough for him to remove her shirt, exposing her bare chest to him. His eyes gleamed down on her, flecks of red igniting.

He took his shirt off and covered her mouth once more with his. After a few moments, they broke apart, panting, the tension lingering in the air to go further, but they knew that it wasn't the right moment. Stone got up, helping her to her feet. It was the first time she had seen him without his shirt, and when he turned to grab their clothes off the floor, she noted two large lines of red on his back.

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