Chapter Seventeen

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Lorelei sighed as she made her way to the breakfast table, overwhelmed by the frenzy already coming at her. Dorales had stormed into Light Court with a shrill shriek and stomping heels and called for them to get up and get ready. She couldn't believe she had forgotten about Midsummer, a festival celebrating nature and its gifts. She sat down to eat with the others, Dorales included, and shoved a piece of toast in her mouth. There were more pressing matters at hand than a ball.

"Where's Marthie? Lorelei asked

"She slept over at Water Court," Gilliam said, failing to hold back a smirk. Dorales sucked her teeth before focusing back on her tea.

Lorelei grinned. "That took longer than I expected."

Gilliam exploded with laughter, earning herself a glare from Dorales.

They ate silently for the remainder of the meal until Dorales finally deemed it appropriate to give them the day's schedule.

"Now, as you know, Midsummer is a time when we celebrate the battle between light and dark, where light comes out victorious, making it the longest day of the year. It represents the pinnacle of light's power that sustains us through the rest of the year."

She looked around, eyeing each of them slowly. "I don't need to tell you how important this is, especially for Light Court."

"Are you giving the other courts this pep talk today, or are we just lucky?" Gilliam asked.

Dorales continued after a dramatic pause and death glare.

"We will join the guests for an afternoon tea in the gardens, where there will be games and light refreshments. You will all be expected to participate. And then, in the evening, Lorelei, you will lead the first dance."

She groaned, causing Duna to chuckle. She had been practicing the Maypole Dance for the last week, her training having to take a backseat, and she was still not very good at it. Every partner she danced with ended up with either a bruised nose or their toes almost severed by her sharp-heeled shoes.

"Can't someone else just do it?" She pleaded. She was in no state to think of dancing with everything else going on.

"Absolutely not. Light Court has led that dance for hundreds of years," Dorales said.

Lorelei rubbed her temple and took a swing of her juice, her throat suddenly becoming parched.

"Have you chosen a partner?" Dorales asked, forking a piece of fruit.

At the time, Lorelei had intended to ask Stone, who had offered, but since she wasn't ready to talk to him yet, she hadn't thought about a replacement.


"Uh oh, trouble in paradise," Gilliam sang out. Lorelei glared at her.

Dorales cleared her throat, placed her fork down, and folded her hands.

"What about Lord Arnold? He would be most appropriate, seeing as his family donated heavily to the court."

Lorelei shook her head. "No, Cairbre will do. Besides, what better way to show the Marqii that we value them than now when there is an impending war?"

Dorales pursed her lips but did not argue. In fact, Lorelei could have sworn she saw a glimmer of approval in her eyes.

Lorelei put on a short, loose floral dress that fell neatly off her shoulders in ruffles. Her hair was down her back, flowers pinned around it. Barrentine had painted around her eyes with glistering ink. Every day she looked in the mirror, her ears were just a little bit longer, and her skin a little bit brighter. Even her vision seemed to change. Though it wasn't a perfect 20/20, she never needed glasses, but now she was able to see more details in the things around her, and even at night when looking out her window, she could see small creatures running in the thick grass.

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