Chapter Three

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The Bandits rode into town on their two-wheeled vehicles, their helmets concealing the malice in their eyes and the gleam of anticipation on their lips. The leader, a hulking figure, waved his hand to the right and urged his companions to speed up as they approached a peaceful town nestled among the surrounding trees.

As they dismounted and made their way through the dense underbrush, the Bandits followed their leader's steps, silently stalking their prey. They reached the edge of the town, where the warm glow of porch lights and the comforting smell of smoke from the chimneys scattered around the homes. Unaware of the danger lurking in the trees, small fae children played and laughed, running from house to house in carefree abandon. The three Bandits searched the crowds, hoping to find their mark.

"Caius," one said. "Are you sure she's here?"

Caius, the biggest of the three, grunted, removed his helmet, and stared through the trees as if waiting for someone to emerge. His fangs ached, sensing fresh blood, but he held back and kept their position.

"She's here, Rhiyle," he said. "Agno, take the west flank and check there."

Without a word, Agno removed his helmet. He took a red ribbon from his pocket and inhaled its scent before lifting his nose to the sky, taking a deep breath, and running into the thicket. The other two waited patiently for him.

"She won't be happy if we don't find her tonight," Rhiyle said.

Caius waved him off. "We will. They can't hide her forever."

"It's been a year. Sutura Fae are all wiped out."

Caius' nose scrunched. "Are you calling our queen a liar?"

"I'm saying she may be too late. Even immortals don't last forever."

Before Caius could answer, Agno returned with a glint in his opal eyes.

"We found her."

They engulfed everything in a raging inferno of heat and ash within seconds. The searing heat devoured the trees lining the town, their branches twisting and cracking under the intense pressure. Mothers frantically searched for their children, and fathers used whatever magic they could muster to put out the flames.

Amid the bedlam, Caius, Agno, and Rhiyle ran past the panicked fae, heading straight for the only bungalow untouched by their hellfire. Caius busted down the door. In the corner, a frail woman with fiery red hair and piercing cat-like eyes clutched a book of Vespers from the ancient gods, her voice trembling as she recited protection spells.

Agno and Rhiyle hissed, covering their ears, but Caius moved fast, knocking the book from her arms and burning his hand. Her face hardened as she clutched a sigil necklace.

"Orisha, protect us. I won't give her what she wants. It's evil what you are. An abomination of Chaos."

"Save us the lecture, and let's get on," Caius said.

Despite her valiant efforts, she was no match for Agnos's brute strength. He overpowered her easily, and as she struggled and thrashed in his grasp, he brought a vial of foul-smelling liquid to her lips. She tried to resist, but it was no use. He forced the vial down her throat.

She kicked and scratched wildly, trying to escape Agnos's grip, but it was useless. Her movements became sluggish and uncoordinated until her body finally slumped to the ground.

Lorelei ran through yards and paths in the woods until she could no longer see Cairbre's house. Finally reaching the main road, she took a moment to catch her breath before recognizing her surroundings and gathering her thoughts. She was no magical queen, and her father was not dead. If she could make it to her house, he would be there, sitting in his chair reading the paper, like always.

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