"Did you feel sick suddenly? I am so sorry, I shouldn't have stayed so long.

-No, no. It's not your fault. I really just lost my balance. I'm the opposite of a flamingo."

Arora didn't believe me and forced me to lie down. Once again, this child was way stronger than she looked! Fortunately Arora completely forgot about the package and she left me to rest. Seeing me overpowered, I could feel Eulisses's gaze on my face:

"I couldn't say no.

-I didn't say anything, Mister Sliske.

-I can hear your thoughts from here. She was panicking, I couldn't say no.

-If you say so, Mister.

-Hey! I really couldn't.

-I believe you.

-It doesn't sound like it."

Eulisses ignored my grumbling and took the red lingerie out from behind his back:

"Should I put this in your wardrobe?"

Seeing the red fabric, I immediately jumped up and snatched it away from Eulisses, my cheeks red:

"That crazy! Why would he send me something like that?"

Eulisses didn't answer. I put the lingerie back into the package and suddenly realized something. I looked at all the packages left in the room and wondered if some of them had such shameful things in them as well. Not that I had anything against lingerie but having it gifted to me by that man sent shivers down my spine.

It was like Schrödinger's cat. As long as I didn't open all these packages, it was as if all of them contained lingerie. Or even worse! Despite Arora having left me to rest, I couldn't relax at all. I couldn't ignore the gifts even if I wanted to. The sofa was covered in packages, as well as all the chairs, the table...

Eulisses felt my frustration and he tried his best to calm me down:

"I am sure that it was a mistake.

-No. I think he did it on purpose. He must have wanted to humiliate me.

-You are married and you even have a child together. Why would that be humiliating?

-But I don't want to be married!"

I quickly shook my head:

"Anyway, we don't plan on having another child and having intimacy with him outside of that is not on the table either. He has no reason to send me this other than annoy me. And he succeeded!"

Seeing me get angry, Eulisses tried his best to calm me down:

"His Highness the Grand Duke said that he took an interest in you. Maybe this is his way of trying to make it up to you."

I raised an eyebrow:

"And you believed that?"

Eulisses pinched his lips:

"I don't wish to speculate but maybe he felt it was time for another child.

-With me?"

Eulisses tilted his head:

"Who else?

-Naha. Not happening. If he wants a child he should adopt one. Or have one with a second wife or I don't know what they are called."

Eulisses looked shocked:

"Mister, you shouldn't wish for such a thing. That would mean you wouldn't be the Duke's only wife anymore.

-I don't want to be his wife in the first place."

Eulisses looked agitated, trying to think of something to say:

"What will you do if His Highness the Duke takes another wife? That would be humiliating.

-That would be the happiest day of my life.

-You wouldn't have as much power as you have now.

-What power? I can't go anywhere without being spied on. I don't care. Seeing how he treats Arora, he should never have had children. I am not going to give birth ever. I am going on strike!"

I grabbed the lingerie and put it back into the package that I had opened.

"Mister Sliske? What are you doing?"

I struggled to jump to the window and by the time I got there I was already out of breath. My ankle hurt really bad by then but I didn't care anymore. I opened the window and threw the package out without hesitation. What I heard next however was a painful cry and I immediately looked down. What I saw was a knight, sitting on the ground, the package at his feet.

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