Breaking Step, Chapter 54

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"And it's always like that?" he asked, hoping to sound like he didn't understand, and that forcing her to clarify would reveal something that was true, or why she was lying. "Potincia—Potentia, is created within the enchantment. That, along with the degradation caused by the core elements, weakens it until it fails?"

"Not everyone agrees it's what happens," she said dismissively. "Some—"

"Wait. What do you mean, not everyone agrees?" There had been no light on the words. "I thought universities were about finding out how things worked. That the books told us how that was."

"Universities are where we investigate how the world works. And then, the scholars write their books to document how their research demonstrates that their beliefs are the correct ones."

"Then you keep the books of those who are right." He thought that made sense, but her offended expression said he was wrong.

"How would I know who is right? How would anyone?"

"Whoever the magic says is right?"

"Magic can't tell you what is right and what is wrong," she stated.

"Light can," he replied, immediately realizing he was wrong.

"No. Light can be used to tell you if someone believes they are telling the truth or not. But that isn't the same as them being wrong. Magic is a tool. And like all tools, it can be used for many purposes. Even some that oppose each other."

"Then, why would anyone read books if they can't know if what's in it is true?" He thought of Carina, and how she relied on books for everything she knew. How she's so wanted him to read because she thought it would help him. Had she been wrong?

"If you mean the common folk." She gave a dismissive shrug. "I expect those who can read do so to make themselves feel superior to those who can't. If you mean scholars? Then, in reading someone else's work, I can glimpse something that will help propel my research further."

Tibs fought against his disappointment. None of them help then. "What you're saying is that what you told me about how enchantments weaken over time might not be how it happens."

She opened and closed her mouth on the glow. Her stance shifted as she studied him. Was that suspicion in her eyes? Had he given himself away? When she spoke, it was in the careful tone that people who wanted what they said to sound true as they lied did; only there was no light on the words.

"We know some things." She paused and let out a breath. "Good scholars don't say things like 'we know for certain'. But some things have been demonstrated with one experiment after another to alway happen, so those are things we can be confident are true."

"But not certain?"

Nervousness, that was what he was seeing as she shook her head. As if she'd realized he'd caught her in the lie.

"One such thing is that elements interact. They work together to form effect. The right combination of them can be used to make just about anything happen. They also interact without sorcerers being involved. That rust on metal, for example."

"Potentia and when the core elements weaken—" He stopped as she stiffened.

"Maybe," she finally said, uncertainly. She let out a chuckle and relaxed. "It's what I believe happens, and many of my experiment have shown that when a core element interacts with another one, a change happens. That means another element must come of it. Other experiments support my belief." She hesitated. "But they don't support that Potentia is the cause. The element is real," she assured him, and there was no light on the words, "but exceedingly rare. Adventurers who have spoken about the element with scholars all spoke of it in different ways, as if it was different for each of them, but the one thing they seemed to agree on is that what they do stands at the cusp of change. It is why I—" she closed her mouth on the light, took a breath, and continued without it. "I believe it is what is present when elements interact."

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