The Two Gods

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As I left the pavilion, the beginnings of an idea formulating in my head. The Olympic Games... I decided to do a bit more research on it. So, instead of going immediately to my cabin, I instead diverted my path to the Athena cabin. As I reached the door, I saw Annabeth coming out. 

She was massaging her temples with one hand as she carried her laptop and some books out of her cabin. Jason smiled at her, and she returned a weak smile. "Hi Annabeth. I was rather interested in the Olympics topic. I wanted to take it up, if it's fine with you?"

Despite her appearing distracted at dinner, she had apparently heard of Chiron's request, because when Jason volunteered, she brightened up a bit. 

"Sure Jason. You can grab any book you want for that. Malcolm will help you"

I nodded thankfully and stepped inside her cabin. Most of the Athena campers were still awake, working on stuff ranging from math problems to studying battle plans. I seeked out Malcolm, who was reading a novel. He guided me to the bookshelves, and handed out some books and scrolls. 

I carried them to my cabin and started taking notes. Thank gods I didn't wear glasses anymore, or Piper would have laughed at my nerdy appearance. I was lying on my stomach, taking notes from the books and scrolls open around me. A half dozen books and scrolls still had to be opened when I fell asleep.

I dreamed of my cabin only. It hasn't happened before. Two gods appeared in my dream. The first was my father in his Greek form. I wondered, now that I was Greek, was my father Zeus, or was it Jupiter only? The second god was a muscular man wearing black jeans, combat boots, a black leather duster, a red muscle shirt and red-tinted wraparound sunglasses to cover his flame-filled eye sockets. His features were handsome, but in a cruel and brutal way. I knew from experience that this was Ares, God of War. 

"Your son is perfect, Zeus", Ares grinned. 

"Hush. I will wake him up now", Zeus said. 

Just as I was thinking Huh, what a strange dream I jerked awake, to find the two gods. Zeus was looking at his statue, a grimace on his face while Ares was chuckling at his expression. Suddenly, they turned around to face me. I straightened my hair and realised I was in my boxers, when Zeus flicked his hand and I was wearing a dark blue night robe. Not exactly my style, but I decided I may as well accept it. I got down on one knee and lowered my head. 

"Lord Zeus, Lord Ares. How may I help you?", I asked.

Ares sighed. "How long has it been since we were addressed this way, huh dad? Especially by the son of Barnacle Beard"

My muscles tightened when I heard Percy being referred to. My father noticed this. "Rise, son. We are here to help you."

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