Bad Influence

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Jason POV 

I watched as Percy sneaked out of his cabin at night, carrying a duffel bag. He jogged to the beach and set down a blanket. Annabeth was soundly asleep in her cabin. He plopped himself down on the beach. He knew perfectly well that it was past midnight, and he was violating the rules. 

I took a deep breath. He didn't know I was watching him, and he was just as unaware of my resentment. The great Perseus Jackson, de facto leader of Camp Half-Blood. And he was a rule breaker. Out of his duffel bag, he fished out coke and a bag of chips. I had to control myself. He knew very well that such items were not permitted in camp premises. Sure, he may not have snuck them in himself, but he was encouraging whoever did. This was very wrong. 

I turned on my heel and went back inside my cabin. I thought over and over the issue. What if Percy had somehow manipulated the campers into thinking of him as a leader? It was said that he had battled Kronos one-on-one. But the only living witnesses of this fight were his girlfriend and his best friend. I marveled at how gullibly the campers had accepted him. And how I still had to struggle to build my reputation. 

At Camp Jupiter, I was deemed the 'Pontificus', but I felt a certain detachment from the place, certainly because I had chosen the Greek camp over them. And yet, here, I felt I was taken for granted. No matter how many deeds I performed, I would still be seen as the lousy replacement of their great hero. This angered me. 

But the anger was replaced by concern. For the camp, for my friends. Yes, I was distant from several campers, but it still felt like home. I couldn't let it rest in the hands of my 'friend' who, as loyal as he may be, could be potentially bringing the downfall of the camp.

Percy didn't understand the weight of the position he was in, and thus he clearly didn't deserve the position.

And as I lay down to sleep, I planned how to remove Percy.

Leader of Camp Half-BloodWhere stories live. Discover now