Chapter 11

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"Talking" 'thoughts' POV, place, AND TIME "mental communication."

An/ Iv'e rewritten this chapter so many times it's not funny.

Autumn POV

Autumn blinks into the dining room and accidentally knocks over a chair.

Autumn: "Sorry bout that, let me pick it up." He says to no one in particular.

Roswaal: "Hello to you too metal man! My my what a strange way to enter a room!"

Autumn: "I'll admit it is up there, will Emilia be joining?"

Roswaal: "she will be."

The breakfast proceeds like it did the first time, Subaru asks to work at the mansion and Autumn asks for aid.

Later that day Autumn found a room with a hot tub and large marble columns. He notices that Subaru and Roswaal are in the hot tub quite a distance apart from each other and he mutters under his breath while walking around the room.

Autumn: "two guys, chilling in a hot tub."

Roswaal notices Autumn and calls out to him.

Roswaal: "Helloooo! Care to join us?"

Autumn: "Thanks but I'm just getting a lay of the place. I'll be out of your hair in a second."

Days later

Subaru runs up to Autumn in the hallway.

Subaru: "tonight's the night, I want to ask a favor of you."

Autumn: "Oh? Ask away?" He says raising his eyebrows.

Subaru: "Could you watch over me while I'm sleeping tonight? Like stand guard outside my door?"

Autumn: "I assume that you're being vague so you don't collapse again and you didn't anger someone?"

Subaru: "Yes, you'll see why I go back tonight."

Autumn: "Very well. Find me when you are going to sleep and I will stand guard."

Subaru: "Thanks, friend." He says and runs off in another direction.

Autumn looks at him as he runs off

Autumn: "Friend, yes I think so." "Let's go train more."

He walks into the courtyard and calms himself. His senses open and grasps the Void in his hand. He looks down at his hand and focuses his attention and willpower to coalesce a small, metal button looking thing.

Emilia: "Are you okay? You've been staring at your hand for a while now."

Autumn looks up, surprised.

Autumn: "Oh yeah, I'm practicing. I can use my abilities to make small objects. This baby right here is a smoke bomb. When this power is more familiar to me I'll be able to form one like that." He says and snaps his fingers before pocketing the bomb.

Emilia: "That's useful, I can only make ice crystals." She says looking a little sad. "I have a question, a few days ago you said that Subaru grew up in a place called The City and that you grew up far away from there. Where did you grow up?"

Autumn: "The Reef, it's a mess of loosely strung together asteroids and Starship wrecks but it's home."

She gains a bewildered expression on her face

Emilia: "Astroids? Starship wrecks? You live in space?!?

He chuckles

Autumn: "Yeah, a long time ago there was a war and many humans tried to flee the solar system but the enemy was already there. Many ships, in fact I thought all ships were destroyed before well I fell into this world. I don't know how else humans ended up here."

Emilia: "Why would you want to live among the wreckage of a war? That sounds horrible!"

Autumn: "That's.... Classified, I'm sorry but I can't tell you. But I can tell you that Queen Mara has a reason for everything though."

Emilia: "Oh, I see. What do you do for a living? Are you just a soldier in the army?"

Autumn: "My official position is Techun to the Queen of the Reef, Liaison to The City, and Guardian of the innocent."

Emilia: "Techun?"

Autumn: "Tech-Witch, we use magic to defend, attack, and predict. Most of my brothers and sisters have implants that amplify their sensitivity to magic but since I do more frontline work my armor accomplishes that for me."

Emilia: "That is really interesting! What is your favorite thing to use your magic for?"

Autumn: "hmmmmm, that's a tough one. Either telekinesis or illusions I think."

Emilia: "HUH? You have telekinesis?!? Show me, now."

Autumn considers how to show her for a moment before remembering what Petra Venj does.

Autumn: "Sure, I can do that." And he takes out a knife opens his palm and levitates the life upward while spinning it. "It is useful to clear out debris or push away enemies."

Emilia: "You have so many cool tricks! I wish I had cool tricks."

Autumn: "Only the Awoken can perform this kind of magic. We sacrificed a lot to get it. What do you want to see an illusion of?"

Emilia: "Hmmmm.... Show me one of your home."

Autumn: "Okay, I'll take you to a scenic spot."

His eyes start to glow a piercing white. Slowly their surroundings of a lush courtyard with many plants is replaced by a barren cliffside overlooking a purple sky with far off debris

 Slowly their surroundings of a lush courtyard with many plants is replaced by a barren cliffside overlooking a purple sky with far off debris

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Emilia is breathless for a moment before she speaks.

Emilia: "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said scenic. It's.... Beautiful. Are all the views like this?"

Autumn: "Some are better than others, My favorite is up in the mountains in Old Russia, I even built a little bit of a home for myself there"

Emilia: "That's nice. Say do you think that when you catch the guy you're looking for, assuming the selection is over, you could take me to your world? I'd love to form ties with your people!"

Autumn: "Yeah, sure. If I find a way to have a suitable transportation method between here and there, I'll take you."

Emilia: "Okay! Thanks! I'm going to go study for the selection so I can keep up my end!" And she runs off into the house.

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