Chapter 6

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"Talking" 'thoughts' POV, place, AND TIME "mental communication."

Autumn walks to his room and closes the door behind him.

Autumn: "Ahhh. You can come out now Piper."

Piper: "I wonder if they believe that your from a different world. Let me get the armor off." She says and in a flash of light the armor is gone revealing a padded shirt.

Autumn: "I don't need them to believe me I just need their help. Thank you. Did we retain the map of the city from the first..... reset?"

Piper: "Let me check.... No, we did not."

Autumn: "How irritating, although it makes sense.  How do you suggest we go about asking for assistance? As an envoy from another kingdom or a knight? Warrior? Mage? What is my classification to normal people?"

Piper: "I'm definitely thinking warrior, if we approach as an envoy Roswaal might need to get the council that rules here involved as technically it could be considered foreign affairs."

Autumn: "Good point, you are a lot better at navigating politics than I am."

Piper: "Also, I think you should at least try to gain a connection to the Void. Vall is skilled with the Light and the invisibility would be useful."

Autumn: "You're not wrong there."

The two of them draw a rough outline of the Tangled Shore area they were in and come up with a  plan on how to present this to Roswaal. After some time Rem walks in.

Rem: "Hello sir, would you like some tea?"

Autumn: "I would love some tea, thank you."

She pours the tea and takes her leave.
Autumn drinks the tea while continuing to work with Piper on the presentation.

Autumn: "-Sent me here to apprehend a dange-"

Piper: "Autumn? Are you okay?"
suddenly he collapses onto the floor for several minutes before collecting himself.

Autumn: "Something was wrong with that tea."

Piper: "Poison? Or is it just a random side effect of this planets plants on your body?"

Autumn: "Don't know. I'm going on a walk to find Rem."

Piper: "Good idea, get her to tell you what kind of plant the tea was made of."

Autumn walks out into the hallway and wanders around the manor, opening random doors until he happens upon Beatrice's library.

Autumn Whistles

Autumn: "Nice place you got here Beatrice. Is this a library or your own personal collection?"

Beatrice jumps off of her bed and hides Puck.
Beatrice: "What is with you people lately? Is there a sign pointing to the correct door?"

Puck (muffled): "She's the librarian."

Autumn: "In that case could I check a book out?"

Beatrice: "they are forbidden to anyone but Roswaal-sama I suppose."

Autumn: "That's unfortunate, do you know where Rem is?"

Beatrice: "Why would I know that, I suppose?!?" She throws him out of her room and slams the door.

Autumn: "Rude." He shakes his head and walks on.

He eventually finds Rem in a random hallway muttering to herself.

Autumn: "Miss Rem! I would like to ask you a question." Rem looks a little surprised but nods. "What was that tea made of? I had a reaction to it."

Rem: "Just a herb and some honey sir."

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