Chapter 5

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"Talking" 'thoughts' POV, place, AND TIME "mental communication."

Roswaal mansion, morning

Autumn walks around the gardens, still in his armor although this weapons have been transmatted to Pipers weird realm of storage. Piper appears and looks around.

Piper: "This isn't any ordinary house."

Autumn: "Indeed. I wonder why Emilia brought us here."

Piper: "Good question maybe she wants to thank us somehow."

Autumn: "Isn't that her over that way? Oh she's with the kid. I'll go ask her."

Piper dematerializes while Autumn walks over to the two.

Autumn: "Hello there! What are you two up to?"

Subaru: "Oh! It's you! We we're just stretching. Want to join?"

Autumn: "No thanks. Although I do have a question for Emilia. Why did you bring us here?"

Subaru: "Because Emilia-tan is the best!"

Autumn: "I didn't ask your opinion."

Emilia: "Well I wanted to get Subaru healed as fast and as safely as possible. And it appeared you knew each other from the way he reacted to your arrival."

Autumn: "Fair enough. Also Subaru, are you from the Eastern part of the City? Only they use those addons things at the end of names."

Subaru: "Yes, actually I am."

Puck appears and asks a question.
Puck: "What do you mean?

Autumn smiles beneath his helmet.
Autumn: "You'll find out soon enough. Subaru a word please?"

The two of them step away from Puck and Emilia.

(Whispering) Autumn: "You speak a word of my Ghost before I do and I'll finish what Elsa started."

Subaru gulps and hold his stomach before he reluctantly nods.

Piper: "Was that necessary?"

Autumn: "If it means you are potentially safer, yes. We still don't know how the natives will react to a ghost."

Piper: "Well that girl has a cat that functions like a Ghost so no pitchforks I would imagine."

Two girls in maid outfits approach and bow to Emilia.

Two girls in maid outfits approach and bow to Emilia

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