Chapter 8

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"Talking" 'thoughts' POV, place, AND TIME "mental communication."

NEXT DAY, Autumn

Autumn wakes up very early and starts a stretching routine.

Autumn: "Today is the day, time to learn the Void."

Piper: "Indeed, I'm happy we got it so easily, I know I've said it before but the Light feels different here, more open.

Autumn: "I agree."

Rem and Ram walk in.

Rem: "Oh! We didn't expect you to be awake! Please forgive us. We just came to bring you tea and clothes."

Autumn looks up for a second before going back to stretching.

Autumn: "Cool, thanks. These armor paddings were getting itchy."

Ram: "No problem."

Rem: "Was your experiment with Puck successful yesterday? You were still outside when everyone else was in bed."

Autumn: "It was, I just need to hone it now, it's like a muscle. The more I use it the easier it will be to call upon."

Rem: "Understood, we will take our leave." They bow and leave the room.

Piper appears and scans the clothes they left.

Piper: "Not terrible material... it is acceptable, if a little late plain."

Autumn: "Clothes are clothes Piper, even if it is just stark white t-shirts and pants."

In a flash of blue the clothes appear on Autumn and he downs the tea.

Autumn: "Let's see if I have another reaction." He says slowly sitting down on the bed.

Subaru a little after

Subaru is in a small village Roswaal protects with Rem to pick up some items for the mansion.

Subaru: "So Rem-rin, do we need anything else?"

Rem: "Yes, wait here while I go get it."

Subaru nods and stands still until a few children walk up holding a cute little puppy.

Child: "Mr. look at this dog we found!

Subaru kneels down and goes to pet the dog.

Subaru: "Oh it's adorable, who's a go- OW, that stung."

He says shaking his hand and his new bite mark. The dog quickly squirms away from the children and runs off.

Rem comes back with a bag and hands it to Subaru.

Rem: "That's it, let's go."


Autumn gasps as he opens his eyes
Autumn: "So we agree that she poisoned it?"

Piper's shell rotates with high frequency.

Piper: "Yes, when I get my shell on her!"

Autumn: "stop being so quick Piper, we know what she's doing but she doesn't know that we know. We'll go through today like normal and confront her tomorrow."

Piper: "Fine, but only because the look on her face will be priceless when she sees your still alive."

Autumn: "Love you too."

He goes out in the courtyard, breathes deeply, and begins practicing Void Light.

Later that night, Rem

Rem: 'I poisoned him twice. Why is he not dead! Clearly some of his witch granted powers is an invulnerability to poison!'  She thinks and thinks and thinks while storming down the halls with her mace in hand. She violently opens Autumns door and smashes him and his bed into a million pieces.

Rem: "Let's see you come back from that, witch-scum!"

She turns around and gets a few steps out of the room before she hears.

Autumn: "As you wish."

She is up against the wall before she can blink, her weapon on the ground. She looks in Autumns eyes and she sees purple stars where there should be pupils.

Rem: 'What is he?'

Autumn: "I don't appreciate being poisoned and killed, but I'm nice. I'll give you one chance to explain yourself. If you don't... well you're smart."
He says as his hand becomes engulfed in flame and the purple stars are replaced with burning fire.

Rem: "Don't play dumb, cultist scum! What are you?!? You should be crushed!"

Autumn: "cultist? Please. As for what I am, I'm surprised Subaru didn't tell you stories, of people raised from the dead to fight and live again, for eternity."

Rem's eyes widen

Rem: 'he's bluffing.' "Those are only stories."

Autumn: "Oh but they're true, maybe a little embellished but all true. I am sworn to protect humanity as a Guardian and I am sworn to protect my people as a Techun. I do Not belong to a cult worshiping witches. Do you want to know why?"

Rem: "Something tells you're going to tell me anyway."

Autum: "You're learning, good. Techun is short for tech-witch. So I would not belong to the witches cult because I would be commanding it as a witch instead of doing the dirty work at this manor no?"

Rem flails about trying to escape.
Rem: "You're lying! I can smell her on yo!"

Autumn: "Oh really? Tell me, what does she smell like? Roses?"

Rem: "No!!! She smells like rotting and wet soil!"

Autumn: "I'm afraid that all Awoken smell like that, it is due to the nature of our birth, It is part of our contract with the universe. You should also smell something like vanilla. Do you?"

Rem: "y-yes, it's quite overpowering but what does that have to do with anything!"

Autumn: "Light and Dark Ying  and Yang, whatever you want to call them, live in all Awoken in equal amounts. Light smells like vanilla, Dark smells like rotting and wet earth."

She stops struggling.

Rem: "I see, you truly are not connected to the witch's cult, I apologize for my previous actions."

Autumn extinguishes his hand and sets her down on the ground.

Autumn: "You were merely following orders to protect this house I presume, you had no reason to believe I wasn't part of the cult due to past experiences. Apology accepted. Although you might want to do something about that room and soon or else the smell will be there forever, trust me."

Rem: "Yep, but one more thing, the people in Subaru's stories had companions, do you ha-"

Piper appears above Autumns shoulder

Piper: "Hello there! I'm Piper, Autumns Ghost."

Rem: "Wow, what do you do? Subaru-San was very.... Cavy with details besides that you are companions to the Guardians."

Autumn/Piper: "That's classified."

Rem nods and walks away presumably to get some cleaning supplies. Autumn smirks a little before throwing a patch of Solar Light on the floor.

Autumn: "Let's expedite the process. This should burn away the blood and guts."

After a few minutes he turns and walks away from his room as well.

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