Chapter 9

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"Talking" 'thoughts' POV, place, AND TIME "mental communication."

Autumn yawns on top of the roof as he watches the sun rise.

Autumn: "Fourth day, we should probably seek out Subaru today, see how he his doing."

Piper: "Agreed, we haven't seen him in a while. We've seen plenty of the others though, I wonder what he's so busy doing."

Autumn: "Hopefully working and not causing trouble."

Piper: "He seems like the kind that trouble follows."

Autumn: "Agreed."

He jumps off the roof and slows the fall using the Light before hitting the ground.

Emilia: "AHHH- huh? Why are your legs not broken?"
She says running towards him.

Autumn brushes off some dust and says
Autumn: "Please, that fall was nothing."

Emilia: "N-Nothing? How can jumping off of a house count as nothing?"

He shrugs.
Autumn: "I drink a lot of milk what can I say. What are you doing up so early? Is there something important happening?"

Emilia: "No I'm just out for a walk."

Autumn: "I hope it will be uneventful. See you at breakfast."

He says and walks to the kitchen.

Subaru: "-And Lord Shaxx's  fireteam stood there fighting, dying, and living again. Their bravery bought enough time for the rest of the City's forces to rally and counterattack, decimating the Fallen force."

Autumn: "Are you talking about Shaxx's last stand at Twilight gap?"

Rem and Ram continue what they're doing but Subaru is startled.

Subaru: "AHHH- yes do you know about Lord Shaxx?"

Autumn shakes his head.

Autumn: "Do I. We fought together at Burning Lake, technically we're married."

Subaru: "Excuse me?"

Autumn: "During Crimson Days anyone who is exceptional in the Crucible is offered a bow, this bow is essentially Shaxx proposing. It's a good bow. I don't use it too often though."

A/N This is real lore (mostly) I'm not making it up

Subaru: "Wow, that's.... Cool?"

Rem: "What's Burning Lake?"

Ram: "If you're going to talk peel some potatoes. I hope you're more skilled with a knife than he is." She says with a pointed glare.

Autumn moves over to the potatoes summoning his knife.
Autumn: "The Battle of Burning lake was an offensive against the Hive, the City came out on top but barely. This gave the City the false belief that they could re take the Moon, leading to the Battle of Mare Inbrium or better known as The Great Disaster."

Subaru: "You must be pretty old to have lived through that."

Autumn: "I'm relatively young for a Lightbearer, I was  chosen a little less then a year before the Great Ahmkara Hunt. I was placed with a experienced fireteam to show me the ropes and kill a few dragons. Alas that's a story for another time. Also, I didn't go to the Moon, my position within the City is an envoy from the Reef. Our seers foresaw the way the battle would go so my Queen gave me two orders: (1) Warn the consensus about our visions. (2)lend no assistance to them if they do not heed our warnings. I brought Shaxx with me to warn them but well, you don't need me to tell you what happened next."

Subaru: "Do you have any stories from Twilight Gap-AH my hand!"

Autumn: "Not 'at' Twilight Gap but yes. Do they teach that Twilight Gap was actually a war fought on two fronts? One at Twilight Gap itself and one at the Reef."

Subaru: "No- I've never heard that before."

Autumn: "Well I'm out of potatoes so it will be a story for later." With half a thought he is on green grass.

Autumn: "Blinking feels so weird! Time to practice again!"

He practices using Void Light for a long while until Subaru seeks him out.

Subaru: "Breakfast is ready. Also you left me a mess when you disappeared into thin air, it's... weird knowing a Guardian, me and my friends used to dream about it. We idolized you and thought you were gods, but you're just regular people, chosen for greatness."

Autumn: "We are just regular people, aside from the space magic and immortality. We still feel hate, pain, joy, love. But like you said people idolize us, it separates us and makes it so we can only turn to other Lightbearers or the rare person who understands. That's what I loved about working with the people at the weapon foundries they didn't care who I was as long as I provided parts for their.... More exotic weapons."

Subaru: "You work for weapon foundries? Which ones?"

Autumn: "Not for, with, let me think, Veist, Surous, and Tex Mechanica mostly,

Subaru: "No way! You work with Tex Mechanica?"

Autumn: "If there is a certain part that the City "bans" because it's too dangerous they turn to me to provide it. In return I get a few weapons of my choosing. My hand cannons were on of those. The Vanguard banned Ahamkara bones so Tex Mechanica couldn't officially create the weapon, so they turned towards me. I provided them with some bones and they gave me the gun."

Subaru: "No way! Do you know a Kenichi and Naoko Natsuki?"

Autumn: "Let me think,........ yes, I believe I worked with them on a...... SMG a few years back, why?"

Subaru: "They're my parents! They mentioned you a ton to me."

Autumn chuckles.

Autumn: "What are the odds of that Eh? Let's go eat."

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