Chapter 1

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"Talking" 'thoughts' POV, place, AND TIME "mental communication."

A/N this is a prequal to @ Ghostwolf2022's Re:Titan. Hope you enjoy!

The Reef, Techun housing

A light is turned on in a resplendent room full of white and gold walls. The room was mostly empty only containing a bed and a desk filled with schematics. An Awoken woman walks in the room and sighs.

???: "Autumn your supposed to be awake by now!"

She says shaking the person in the bed. Suddenly a drone pops into existence.

Drone: "here I'll get him up for you."

???: "Thanks Piper."

The drone called Piper then speeds up and flies into the person on the bed. The person shoots up and yells.

Autumn POV

Autumn: "Piper what the he-. Oh hey Ignis."

Ignis: "Your supposed to be awake already."
She says tapping her foot.

Autumn rubs his head.
Autumn: "Sorry lost track of time, I was gardening."

Ignis: "I will never understand you and Usario's desire to have a dream world that continues after you wake up. Get on your armor and meet me outside. You've been holed up in this room for the past week now."
She says motioning to his desk before walking out of the room and closing the door.

Autumn sighs before throwing off his bed sheets and stands up.

Piper: "everything but helmet?"
She asks him.

He nods.
Autumn: "Everything but helmet, and weapons I guess. She isn't cleared for combat yet."

Suddenly in a flash of blue armor appears on Autumn's body. He stretches before walking out his room. As he walks through the hallway he hears tidbits of conversations, most of which he could less about.

Techun1: "The Corsairs are-."

Techun2: "Queen is-."

Techun3: "Hunter Vanguard dead."

Autumns head whirls to that last voice.

Autumn: "Brask is dead?"

Techun3: "Y-Yeah he died a few days ago to some Fallen named what was it Tanks? Tankis?"

Autumn: "Taniks. Damn guess Taniks finally caught up to him."
He says shaking his head.

Techun3: you're the Lughtbearing Techun aren't you! I heard you visit the City on occasion, did you know him?"

Autumn: "Only through his friend Cayde-6 did I know Andal, he was nice the few times we interacted. Though I bet that had something to do with me being an "envoy" technically. Thanks for the info!"
Autumn says before running outside. Immediately he's met with a stunning sunrise out beautiful sky.

 Immediately he's met with a stunning sunrise out beautiful sky

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