Chapter 4

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"Talking" 'thoughts' POV, place, AND TIME "mental communication."

???: "That hair, those clothes, the weapon unique to the northern provinces. There is no mistaking it you are the bowel hunter.

Subaru: "The hell kind of name is that?"

Autumn: "It's not her name idiot, it's a title, probably based on her killing style."

???: "Correct friend! Her name is known, even in the capital as that of a dangerous criminal."

BH: "Reinhard... Yes, a knight of knights, born to a line of master swordsmen, correct? How remarkable! All my opponents are such fun!"

Reinhard: "There are many things I would like to ask you, I strongly suggest you surrender."

BH: "You expect a starving predator to resist such choice, juicy prey?"

Autumn: "You would think she'd realize she's outmatched by now."

Piper: "indeed, also I scanned the house whatever was causing the loop isn't here or it is completely dormant."

Autumn: "Lovely."

Reinhard: "Subaru stand back a bit, over by them if you would." He says chuckling slightly.

Subaru: "Sure thing , that woman fights like a monster so don't let your guard down."

Reinhard: "As luck would have it, hunting monsters is my specialty."

Subaru sits next to Satella and exclaims.
Subaru:  "Old Man Rom is still alive?!?"

Autumn: "No, I'm healing a dead person." He says sarcastically.

Subaru: "Is that what your doing? I've never heard of Solar Light being used to heal."

Autumn cuts him a glance that tells him to shut up.

Meanwhile the BH (bowel hunter) runs at Reinhard who simply stomps the ground, causing a projection to go up and says.
Reindhard: "I would rather not use violence on a woman." And he kicks her into a wall.

BH: "you are... even better than the rumors say! But aren't you going to use that sword at your hip? I would love to experience it's legendary sharpness."

Reinhard: "This sword can only be drawn when needed to, the fact that it has not left it's sheathe means that it is not one of those times."

BH: "I do believe I'm being underestimated."

Reinhard: "it's an upsetting judgement for myself as well, so I shall take you on with this." He says walking over to a random sword and picking it up. "Do you object?"

BH: "No, It is wonderful, wonderful! Do entertain me!"

She runs at Reinhard who deflects and disarms her. She runs at him with many different weapons which he blocks and disarms her again and again.

Subaru: "Surely Reinhard will be able to land a decisive blow."

Satella: "Because he's using magic to heal him, Reinhard can't fight at full strength."

Subaru: "What do those two things have to do with each other."

Satella: "If Reinhard were truly intent on fighting, all the mana in the atmosphere would turn to him, leaving us without healing."

Autumn: "That would be correct if I was using magic, but I'm done anyways." You can tell Reinhard to be intent on fighting now."

Subaru: "Reinhard! I don't really get it but do your thing!"

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