Chapter 17

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⚠️Warning!⚠️This will have some smuttiness! Like a small amount 🤏

Marinettes POV

It was weird sitting in an therapist office. Felix told me that the school offered free therapy, which I wasn't aware of and told me that the lady has a contract with the school. Claude sits in the office with me waiting for her other appointment to be over.

"You just talk about anything on your mind ok?" Claude tells me.

"I know, I know. Felix said he already told her about the case and that everything is confidential and she can't tell anyone anything about the sessions." I say. Claude smiles.

"Marinette?" The lady calls.


A/N I'm not writing out her therapy sessions and basically talking about all the things we already know. Sorry for not updating yesterday I was in pain👍

Felix POV

I lied to Marinette. The school doesn't offer free therapy, but she wouldn't go if she found out I was paying for them. I told the other not to tell her that I was paying for them. She's stubborn but this lie won't hurt her. I know lies have hurt her in the past, but this on will help her get better. Putting her in therapy made me wonder if she even knows anything about me being wealthy or where it's from. That's probably something I should tell her about. I don't think she knows much about my family.


I'm startled from my thoughts as the front door to our dormitory is slammed open.

"We're back!" Claude yells, my door muffles his voice a bit. I hear footsteps stop outside my door then a knock.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Can I come in?" Mari asks from the other side of the door.

"Yes." The door opens and Mari slips inside closing the door behind her. She stands with her back against the door not moving from her spot, and looks down to her feet. I slip of my bed leaving my book behind and walk towards her until there's inches behind us. I place on hand on the door behind her and one lifts up her chin towards me. I lean down.

"Did you need something?" I whisper in her ear. She blushes staring up at me with her bluebell eyes.

"N-no, I just wanted to see you."

"Well? Here I am." I lean pull her chin closer and lightly kiss her. One of her hands goes to my chest and grabs my collar. She pulls me in closer to her deepening the kiss. She then pulls away from the kiss, gasping for air. She grabs my hand on her chin and moves it away. And slips out from between me and the door. She walks over to my bed and climbs on sitting on her knees then pats the bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Come here." She whines. I sigh and walk over to the side of my bed. "Get on the bed."

"Yes ma'am." I say sarcastically. She gives me a small glare but smiles when I climb on the bed next to her. I sit keep my legs straight in front of me and l put my arms behind me holding me up. I turn and face her.

"Ok. I'm on my bed now what?" I ask.

Maris' POV

"Ok. I'm on my bed now what?" Felix asks me. I feel myself blushing. No turning back now. I swing my leg over putting me in his lap. He looks at me with shock. My arms are around his neck and I lean in and kiss him. His hands go to my wrist. He light bites my bottom lip asking for control, I feel a light moan escape my mouth. He brakes the kiss and starts kissing my neck. I can feel his through his pants, it probably doesn't help that I'm wearing a skirt. I shift my body slightly as he moves to a different spot on my collar bone, he moans softly.

Alright you got your smut now you'll get more later but it doesn't get any farther than this just making out basically, our girls not really for that yet this is a big step for her.


Flashback to inside the therapy office

"Would you say that you are afraid of affection from others?"

"No. I don't think so. I mean I've kissed my boyfriend since, I got a boyfriend actually."

"Like you weren't dating prior to the incident?"

"No we started dating about a month ago, although we haven't told anyone."

"Do you think sexual encounters with him would frighten you?"

"I... Umm...."

"You can be honest, I'm not here to judge you."

"Well I'm not sure. I guess I should have mentioned that my boyfriend is my attackers identical twin cousin. They look similar but I feel safe with him."

"Well that's a first. Most women are frightening by people whom look in anyway similar to their attacker."

"I trust him."

"So if a situation came up in which sex was involved would you feel scared?"


"Have you thought about having sexual encounters with him?"



"I have."

"Did it scare you?"

"Not really."

"If you had complete control over the situation do you think you'd have a sexual relationship with him?"

"I believe I would."

"Interesting. How far has stuff gone in the relationship? Just kissing or further?"

"Just kissing."

"Have you made out?"


"Do you want to make out with him?"

"A little.."

"I see. Well our time is up but I will see you again next week."

End of flashback

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