Chapter 11

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Allegras POV

Claude, Allen and I sit in the living room of our dorm. Claude and Allen are playing Mario Kart on TV. I am casually scrolling on my phone looking at whatever people were posting on Instagram. All three of us sit on the couch, even though there's a loveseat and single chair. From this angle you can see all the doors to each of our rooms, mine and Allen's it to the right of us, and Claude is next to where the TV hangs on the wall. Felix and Mari's doors are down a wide hallway that with a window to a fire escape so everyone has access without going through others rooms. Out of the corner of my eye I see Mari's door open and Felix steps out. Smiling. I look over to the other two and their staring too. We left them about ten minutes ago. I had suspected that she was his family member at first but now I'm thinking girlfriend.

"Holy shit dude I don't think I've ever seen you smile before!" Claude says. Felix walks into the small kitchen behind us. All three of us turn around and stare.

"What are you talking about Claude? I've smiled in your pictures before." Felix says, rolling his eyes no longer smiling.

"Fe they were obviously fake." I say, raising my eyebrows. Allen says nothing, he just turns around, stands up, and goes to his room. He doesn't like confrontation of any sort.

"Yeah I had to beg you to smile in them." Claude cocks his head to the side. Felix grabs out a mug and bag of tea.

"So I can't just be happy then?" He ask, starting the kettle.

"Come on Felix tell us what happened you never smile like that." Claude whines. He's like the child of the group, a flirty, tall, attractive child.

"Nothing happened." Felix growls. He doesn't like questions, or telling people things. It only took me a few days to figure out that he will just shut people that question him for multiple days.

"Fine, don't tell us." Claude pouts turning around and plopping down crossing his arms. Just then Mari comes out of her room the same time as Allen does in running clothes. I glance down at my phone. 1:30 Allen's running time. He then walks out the door without another word. Mari makes her way into the kitchen with Felix. Claude sees Mari and peeks his head over the couch.

"I finished unpacking but I'll need to take the car back to my parents house." She says only to Felix. He takes the kettle off the stove and pours the water into the mug with the teabag. She is leaned up against the counter.

"Alright do you need a ride back then?" He asks. I've never seen him be so sweet to someone.

"I might but I have to go sign some paperwork for the case and I forgot some of my things at home. And....umm." When she mentions paperwork for a case me and Claude both share a glance.

"And what?" Felix asks turning towards Mari. Normally that question from him sounds like he's irritated, this time it sounded genuine.

"I....I have some documents to pick up old college." She stutters. She looks seconds from tears.

"Ok so I'm going with you then." Felix says in a tone that says you don't get a damn choice now.

"You-" Mari starts.

"Mari. I will not let you go into that school alone. Not again." Felix says, shaking his head. At this point it's obvious that they forgot me and Claude were here because the next person that spoke was Claude.

"I'm confused, what's going on? Why can't you go in the school alone?" He asks. Felix and Mari both turned to see us facing backwards on the couch looking at them.

"Oh....umm...." Mari starts.

"Bad shit happened to her there and she'll tell you when she's ready." Felix answers. Now I'm back to thinking they're family.

"Are you okay?" I ask. I've been silent nearly the whole time.

"Yeah, I will be." She smiles, tears in her eyes. She's going to be a crier.

A/N Suspicious Allegra lol. She doesn't know what to think. Also Mari and Felix decided not to tell everyone right away just because sooooooooooooooo yeps.

✿AlixMay out! ⁠❥

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