"Let me help you with that," Fiona offered as she took the large pot from Veronica.

"Frankie's home," Frank said coming through the door. Delilah made her way into the living room since Liberty was occupied, asking V how she made the meat sauce.

Debbie ran in behind him and began to jump on the couch.

"Oh, my God, I am so wired," Debbie buzzed with energy as she hopped up and down.

"Debs, what's goin' on?" Fiona quizzed Debbie, who continued hopping up and down.

"We got high on sugar because daddy stopped drinking," Debbie elaborated and Delilah suppressed a giggle at that thought because then sadness rolled in. There were endless amounts of times when Tracy swore she'd stop doing drugs and drinking. They were empty promises broken in a day's time.

"Me, daddy. Me, me, me, me. Mm," Frank said before downing a small bag of sugar. Debbie began to explain and since 3000 dollars were involved, it wouldn't be long before Frank stopped his sugar intake and start drinking again.

"I got something to say, um... I guess I haven't been the most exemplary father... for the past three... or fifteen years. But now I'm gonna need your help to get me through this. From this point forward, we're gonna be a family again," he proposed before looking forward at Kev and V's foster kid. "What the hell is that?"

THEY ALL RAN around the house like crazy. Like a race to get past the finish line, running around Ethel in a circle and going under the wooden bar to win. Delilah and Liberty made it quickly. Delilah had been on the track team, but quit last school year, so she was quite fast.

"Hey! The piano," Frank pointed out while the other sounds of joy dwindled into silence. Frank sat with Debbie beside him and began to play the Fifth Symphony.

Frank sung a song and everyone sung along. Delilah tapped her foot. Carl and Liberty overlooked Frank's playing and Lip stood up with anger.

"I can't believe you guys are buying into all of his bullshit," Lip complained and he looked to Karen. "Come on, I'll walk you home, Karen."

"What different does it make? He'll be drinking by tomorrow anyway," Fiona rationalized, her tone still joyful.

"No. Not when there's money involved," Lip continued. In the moment he turned, his eyes fell on Delilah for a moment making heat rush to her cheeks.

DELILAH SAT ON her bed. She combed through Liberty's hair with her fingers while she sat quietly. It was very uncharacteristic for her, she's usually full of questions and engages in conversation with Delilah. It was unusual, so then a new topic was brought up.

"What's wrong, Berty?" Delilah quizzed and she sighed. It was never good when Delilah was quiet. She was either mad, plotting out a scheme, or sad.

"Ethel. Kev and V adopted her right?" Liberty asked and Delilah bit her bottom lip to think about her responses to whatever questions she'll ask. She wasn't sure how to talk to Liberty without shattering her heart. She didn't want to give her trauma.

"No, not necessarily. She's just being fostered, so it's temporary," Delilah explained as best as she could.

FADE INTO YOU , Shameless ¹Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang