Klaus, Christy and Ana exchange looks at each other.

"You should be more careful, Christy." Ana said.

"I always am." Christy said.

Klaus, Christy and Ana exchange small smiles and chuckles with each other.


Later that day, everyone is sitting on the main deck, eating bowls of food and drink mugs of beer.

Klaus is gently leaning sideways on the pillar with his mug of bourbon. He glances at Captain Benji as he slowly walks up next to him.

"So, how long have you known Christy?" Klaus asked Captain Benji.

"I've known her for a long time." Captain Benji replied. "She would come by my sailship just to check up on me. It still makes me proud of her. She was just a 10 year old gal and now, she's the greatest Orasanian warrior ever in the Orasanian Mythology. She's a special woman."

"Yeah, she is." Klaus agreed with a small smile.

Klaus looks at Christy, who's eating and exchanging chuckles with Ana and Benji's ship crew.


After a while, Captain Benji's crew are singing and dancing with their flutes and violins instruments.

🎵 I'll sing you a song of fortunate and sea 🎵 Christy sang.

🎵 Bless thee and the Elders, heaves
ho 🎵 Captain Benji's crew sang.

🎵 I'll sing you a song, I'm the Queen of the Sea 🎵 Christy sang.

🎵 Bless thee and the Elders, heaves
ho. Heaves ho🎵 Captain Benji's crew sang.

Captain Benji's crew then, gently tosses Christy in the air, continuing playing with their flutes and violins.

They gently sets Christy back down on the floor of the main deck. Christy and Ana exchange small smiles at each other.

Christy then, looks at her husband, Klaus, who's sitting atop of a barrel with his half empty mug of bourbon, watching everyone have some fun.

Christy slowly walks over to him and gently leans sideways on the pillar. "You're missing the party fun."

"I appreciate the offer, Love, but I'm fine." Klaus said.

Christy gently soothes his right shoulder with her hand. "Whatever's bothering you, you don't have to shoulder it by yourself, you know. You know I'm always here for you."

Klaus looks up at her with a small smile. "I know."

Klaus and Christy exchange small smiles at each other.

"Go on, I'll be fine." Klaus said.

"Alright." Christy said. She pecks a kiss on his forehead temple and slowly walks away from him, rejoining the party.



That late afternoon, after Captain Benji had arrived back to the dock, Captain Benji and Christy are taking a stroll alongside the dock.

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