Wooyoung hastily nodded, slightly bowing to Yuqi to show his gratitude.

She surprisingly was right.

Wooyoung had actually forgotten that he was wearing that exact set of underwear, which was originally be for San's eyes only.

Talking about San- If Yuqi had seen his lace panties from behind, does that mean that San had also-

"He's not taking his pants off for y'all. Chill the fuck out, this isn't a porno", San exclaimed, instantly causing the mumbling within the team to die down.


"You", San pointed at the shorter male, shooting him an undefinable look, "Come with me. Right now"

Everything happened so fast.

As San dragged Wooyoung away from the raucous party, his annoyance simmered beneath the surface like a volcano on the verge of eruption.

Wooyoung stumbled along, his laughter echoing through the empty hallway as he struggled to keep up with San's brisk pace. His cheeks flushed as he realized that it took him less than 2 hours to get thrown out of Yoongi's dorm.

"Seriously, San, lighten up," Wooyoung slurred, his words laced with a hint of defiance. "I was just having some fun."

San shot him a withering glance, his jaw clenched tightly. "Fun? You call nearly stripping in front of my volleyball team fun? You could have ruined everything."

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, the alcohol dulling his ability to grasp the gravity of the situation. "Oh, come on, it's not like they've never seen a naked body before. Besides, it's not like you're my babysitter."

San's frustration flared at Wooyoung's dismissive tone, his patience wearing thin.

"Maybe if you acted like a responsible adult for once, I wouldn't have to babysit you", he glanced at the younger, eyes filled with nothing but pure rage, "I don't even fucking know you. Really know you. But still you manage to make me responsible for your bullshit"

"Responsible?", A brief flash of hurt crossed Wooyoung's features before being replaced by a stubborn resolve. "You know what, forget it. I don't need your lectures, San."

With a heavy sigh, San stopped in his tracks, his hand falling from Wooyoung's arm. "Fine, do whatever you want. But don't expect me to clean up your messes anymore. Don't show up to practice, you are no manager and we both know that. Delete my fucking number. I apologize for texting you in first place. And please, for the love of god, stop trying to make me fuck you. You're not even close to attractive!"

For a moment, silence hung between them like a heavy shroud, the weight of unspoken words filling the air. And then, with a resigned shake of his head, San turned and began to walk away.

"You should've stayed my little stalker fanboy", he mumbled under his breath, "How dare you to actually think I'd see you as anything else than a delusional whore"

A pang of guilt tugged at his heartstrings.

Despite their constant bickering and Wooyoung's infuriating antics, there was something about him that drew San in.

Maybe it was the spark of defiance in his eyes or the way his laughter danced on the edge of recklessness.

Whatever it was, San couldn't deny the undeniable pull he felt towards Wooyoung.

No matter where | WoosanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora