Parrish shoved Josh against the wall, the boy slumping against it and hitting the floor.

Hearing a drill, Reya's eyes widened at the sight of Valack. The man was using his trepanation drill to injure Theo's leg. The chimera let out a yell and dropped Lydia, the redhead falling to her knees. When she was out of the boy's grip, Valack stood up and smacked the drill across a stumbling Theo's head.

"Sorry, Theo, but I'm not done with her yet." Valack said.

This whole thing happened while Josh and Tracey attempted to get the jump on Parrish. Spoiler alert: They did not. Parrish beat them each time they attacked.

Reya and Stiles were paying no attention to the clawed creatures, no, they were watching Valack grab Lydia by her arms and hoist her up. The two moved a little, ready to stand.

The Chandra girl's eyes wandered to Parrish choke-slamming Josh. As he stood up, Corey grabbed the man's arm, grinning wildly as he turned visible again. The hellhound looked at him.

Valack made an attempt to get out the gate behind him with Lydia, but he stopped quickly at the two standing in his way. Stiles stood beside Reya, who was much scarier than the other with her all-white eyes, shimmering but terrifying scales, talon-like claws, and fangs on display.

Corey's scream of terror and pain made them all look over to see Parrish igniting his arm with fire, letting it travel over to Corey's and then cover them both with a sort of explosion. In the midst of the fire, Parrish lifted the chameleon-boy off the ground and launched him down the hallway.

Valack moved himself and Lydia out of the way as Corey flew towards them. The burnt boy hit both Reya and Stiles, the two tangling up with each other as they hit the ground with Corey unconscious on top of them.

Parrish growled loudly from his spot, eyes on Lydia in Valack's grip. He started towards them but didn't get far as Theo had finally recovered enough to grab the pipe from the wires on the wall and threw it as hard as he could towards the man on fire. It landed directly in the middle of Parrish's chest, stopping his feet from moving. He stumbled a little before falling down to his knees. The fire in his eyes faded away, leaving them their usual green.

Reeling from hitting her head on the ground, Reya wasn't much help in getting Corey off of them. It also didn't help that they were all wrapped up with each other.

As Valack took his chance to get Lydia away from them all, Stiles tried harder to get Corey off. Reya blinked a few times before using her strength to throw Corey off. She felt a little bad, but the two had to get up. Stiles was on his feet first, scrambling after Valack.


It made no difference. Valack had got him and Lydia through the door, it shutting behind them. Reya was on her feet again and she joined Stiles' side as he slammed his palms against the door.

"Hey! Lydia!" He screamed.

Reya pounded her fist against it. "Hey!"

Nothing worked, the door wouldn't move. 

"Lydia!" They shouted.

Stiles continued punching the door, but it was no use. Reya patted her pockets for the keycard, looked around on the floor for it, but she couldn't find it.

Asher pushed against the mountain ash again, continuing her attempt to break through it. She wasn't having much luck, of course, she never did. She let her hands drop to her side with a small huff of annoyance, "God damn magic barrier." Asher grumbled.

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