Part 38 ~ A kiss among friends

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***A/N This chapter features elements of drug use among adults.***

At nine o'clock Henry took the stage. Well, he went up to the bar level and using his goblet and a spoon, rang it like it was a bell.

"May I have your attention." He waited until people looked in his general direction before continuing. "I am pleased that you could all take the time out of your busy schedules to join us this evening, and for those of you who made the trip up from Toronto, I'm especially grateful." He held his hand up. "I promise, I'm not going to take up too much of your time, but I would like to introduce you all to the reason we have come together tonight."

He gestured for August to join him, and I found myself smiling broadly as he stepped up beside Henry. With all the eyes in the room on them, others might have been nervous, but if August was, he gave no indication. He joined his Godfather, glass in hand and faced the room with an easy smile.

"Tonight is a very special night for me, as I am saying goodbye to one of my young lawyers and sending him off to start a new life here at Taggart and Finch. For those of you who don't know, August started his career at Sutherland, McAllister, and Fyne as an intern while he was still in school. After his graduation, we decided that we weren't quite done with him yet, so we offered him a position with our night court team."

August chuckled then as he interjected. "The truth of the matter is that I was the only one at the firm who managed to master the espresso maker."

That caused those who had worked with him to clap and whistle, and August's face to turn an attractive shade of pink.

"Whatever the reason," Henry continued. "I am happy to say, that against his better judgement, he accepted."

That elicited another small round of applause.

"For the next three years he was an invaluable asset to the team. However, like all young raptors do, one day they decide to stretch their wings and leave the nest, and when a position here at our associate firm Taggart and Finch came available, August flew out the door."

Henry reached out then and put his hand on August's shoulder. He talked to August then, only glancing fleetingly at the rest of the room.

"I for one, am going to miss him. For not only am I proud to have given him his start; I am especially proud of August because he is also my Godson. Not having children of my own, you can imagine what it meant to me to have him follow in this old man's footsteps."

Henry turned to face the crowd. "So, while some of us are here to say goodbye to this young legal eagle, we are also here to congratulate him and welcome him to his new roost here at Taggart and Finch."

Henry raised his glass. "So, if I could have you all pick up a glass and join me in a toast."

Around the room, glasses were raised.

"To August." Henry nodded to him before taking a drink.

"To August." Much of the room reiterated before sipping from their glasses.

Henry turned and faced the room again. "There now, was that really so bad?"

The room once more broke out into polite laughter and applause and didn't quiet until Henry broke out his spoon and rang his goblet once more. "Our servers will be around momentarily with champagne, but if that is not to your liking, we invite you to partake at the open bar. We have cleared the dance-floor and arranged for some wonderful musicians to entertain you. I invite you to have a drink, indulge in some conversation and take a spin across the dance-floor as you enjoy the rest of your evening."

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