Part 3~Sex Majick

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I got about four hours sleep before I was dogpiled on by a bunch of pups. Trixie, and the twins as well as a small blond-haired boy with bright blue eyes had all climbed on top of me.

"Hey, Liam. Missed you last night."

"Hi Alpha. Pierce had skating tryouts. So, we couldn't come."

"Are your parents here now?" I dodged a foot to the face. The twins had decided to wrestle in my bed while Trixie was bouncing as she checked out the springs. There was no way I would get back to sleep anytime soon.

"No, Pierce drove me. He wanted to see Kiera, and Sophie, and Liv."

"Ah." I sat up in bed. "What do you guys want anyway?"

"Pancakes." Brady yelled.

"With chocolate chips." Added Brody

"I want blueberry." Said Trixie.

I looked at Liam. "How about you buddy? Did you already eat?"

Liam shook his head.

"What kind of pancakes do you want?"

He glanced at Trixie. "Blueberry, I guess."

I smiled. Liam usually shadowed Trixie wherever she went.

"Alright." I swung my legs to the side of the bed. "I am giving you all advanced notice that I am naked. So, if you don't want to see my hairy butt, you'd better run now."

That got them moving.

Especially Trixie who shook her head and admonished loudly. "Ew. So, gross." I felt immensely proud of her at that moment. If only she'd hold those views until she was thirty.


"Can we get chickens?"

We were down at the corral. The three older girls and Pierce were going to go riding. I make them all tack their own horse, which I double-check before letting them go. Trixie and Liam were on the corral fence watching. The twins were Goddess-knows-where, doing Goddess-knows-what.

"Most kids ask for a puppy, ya know."

Trixie glanced at Liam and said drolly. "I already have a puppy."

I smiled and Liam just grinned.

I groaned. "Ugh. Chickens means a whole 'nother barn and a coop. It's an awful lot of work. And I don't even know where I'd put another building."

"Wel-l-l... I've been thinking..." She climbed down from the fence.

"Uh-oh. That's never good." I nodded to the teens that they were good to go, before turning my full attention to the tweens.

"Alpha!" She grumbled. "Be serious."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay. Show me."

The spot she led me to wasn't bad. It was far enough away from the house that I wouldn't smell anything and close enough to the barn that I wouldn't have to hike when doing chores. There was a lot of overgrown brush and an out-of-control lilac that would have to be cleared, but the area could house a tiny barn. I could winterize it and if Jonah could run some electrical wires, it could have a heater and lighting. Overall, it was definitely doable. I already had a project in mind which I wanted Jackson to draw up plans for, but that could wait.

"You two and the twins would have to help clear all of this."

Trixie started jumping up and down.

"Aaa-nd," I said before she started celebrating. "You would have to get Jackson, Jonah and Ben on board too."

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