Part 9~The Next Day

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There was a moment of awkward silence as we looked at one another. It had been so busy that neither one of us had time to be nervous. I decided that perhaps keeping busy was the thing to do. 

"Do you wanna go for a walk? I need to check on things." I indicated towards the stable. It was true enough. It was almost midday and for once there wasn't a group of teenagers hanging around.

"Sure. Okay." He met my eyes, and I was the one who had to look away. Damn. Whatever this energy was between us it was overwhelming. I felt the need to keep moving, like if I stopped for even a moment, I would be swept away by it.

I nodded. It was all I could manage, and I held the door open after me as I passed outside. He followed me down to the stable. Someone had been kind enough to set the horses out into the pasture. At least they hadn't suffered due to my unusual sleep in.

I brought him in through the barn, picked up a pair of bridals and headed out into the corral, where I whistled. Sky Blue came immediately. She was a beautiful dapple grey and the first girl I went to for beginners. Blue was gentle and patient and quite docile in temperament.

"This is Blue, if you'd like to say hello." 

August didn't hesitate. Most wolves were good with animals. I suppose being one part of the time made us feel a natural kinship towards them. Right away he was stroking her muzzle and whispering to her as she nudged him with her nose. I bridled her and handed him the reins before whistling again.

Dawn was a bay with black points. She was headstrong and needed a stronger hand. There were only a couple of people I trusted with her. Jackson and Sophie both had the skill needed to keep her in check. She took her time as she came to me, probably more interested in meeting the new human than coming because I had called. I bridled her and we brought them into the barn. I gave August a quick rundown and we had them brushed and tacked within fifteen minutes.

I glanced at his sneakers. "You're going to need boots." We had a rack on the end wall that held most of the equipment. I passed him Jackson's. They were about the same height. "Try those." I said as I slipped on my own.

When we were ready, we walked them out of the enclosure and towards the trail. I stopped at a nice level spot before turning to him. "Have you ridden before?"

He shook his head. "Nope. Unless you count a pony ride at an eight-year-olds birthday party."

I grinned and came around him to give him some quick instruction. "So, you are going to stand by her front leg. Reins in your left hand. You're going to place your left foot in the stirrup, left hand on the horn and you'll just swing up onto the saddle. But before you sit, slip your other foot into the stirrup, and then lower yourself gently into the saddle." He nodded. "And I'll be here to give you a hand up if you need it."

I stood by Blue and kept her still while he mounted. When he was in the saddle, I checked his stirrups before mounting Dawn. I brought her up around and beside Blue. After quick instructions on how to turn her, we started off down the trail. 

After watching him for a moment I came up beside him. "Try to put your weight to your toes and hold on with your thighs. You'll ride a bit smoother that way." He was a quick study. A few minutes later he looked like he'd been in the saddle for years.

I led him down the trail to the lake and around. When I glanced back over my shoulder at him, the sunlight was shining down on him, and his eyes shone a pale green. He had a huge smile on his face which caused me to break out into a wide grin. City boy looked good on a horse.

We rode the trail which wound through the forest at the edge of my property before it eventually turned up towards the road along its length. We came out onto the road and came to a stop before crossing to the shoulder on the other side. 

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