Part 28 ~ A Real Drink

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I followed Zeke down to the lower level. He was leading me to what he called the game-room. On the main floor we passed through a massive kitchen. It had two stainless steel refrigerators and a massive gas range with six burners, a griddle and two ovens. Opposite the appliances was a long island with seating on the far side. Beyond the island sat not one, but two long tables each with bench seating. A number of young adults glanced up at us as we entered.

Zeke nodded as a chorus of voices greeted their Alpha. "Everyone. This is August. He's going to be our new pack lawyer. He'll be spending the evening with us, so if you get a chance, use your manners, and come introduce yourselves to him. That is all."

We exited through the far side of the room and into a dining room. It held two large tables made of solid wood, each with individual seating. Passing through the dining room we entered another hallway running perpendicular to the way we had just come. We turned right, and halfway down the hall we passed through a set of double doors and into a massive room.

"This is our game room," Zeke said as we entered.

The game-room was an appropriate name for the area we walked into. It was part tavern, part pool-hall and part arcade. A series of booths ran along the wall we had just entered through. To the right near the back was a long bar. Smaller tables spanned the space between. On the opposite side of the room, three pool tables were lined end to end in a long row and beyond that against the far wall were a series of arcade games. People of all ages were gathered around the room to drink, play, and dance.

"Let's get that drink," Zeke said as he led the way to the bar. "How do you feel about whisky."

I've been known to dabble." It was one of the few things Henry had taken the time to introduced me to. It was perhaps a social construct; drinks with business, that he believed I needed to learn.

I followed Zeke's lead and took a seat beside him at the bar. He nodded, and the bartender soon poured us each a glass. I took a sip. The amber liquid was strong but smooth. It had a slightly sweet taste. "Is that maple I taste?"

"Yep. What do you think?"

"It's not bad."

Zeke reached out and undid my tie, slipping it off of me. "You are looking slightly too formal for this lot of scallywags." He tucked it into my coat pocket before stepping behind me to remove my jacket. He passed it to the bartender. "Hang that up for us, will ya?" He unbuttoned my top two buttons.

I put my hand on his. "Do I get to keep the shirt?"

He grinned. "Hell, yeah. Just roll up the sleeves." When I did, he nodded and tapped me on the shoulder. "Yeah, that's much better. C'mon let's go shoot some pool."

I followed him towards the pool tables. Two were occupied but the end table closest to the bar was empty. Three short dividing walls existed between the bar area and the pool tables: each the length of the pool tables themselves. Along these walls hung the pool cues and equipment for playing the games. On the opposite side were small two-seater tables.

Zeke sat his glass on the top of the wall before reaching for a triangle. He racked the balls and then took a step back. "Guest breaks." He said as he crossed his arms.

I went to the wall and grabbed a cue. As I was leaning over to break, a thought occurred to me. I turned to glance over my shoulder. "You're staring at my ass, aren't you?"

Zeke chortled. "Yep. And I'm not the only one." It was true. There was a group of young women standing with him to watch us play. I broke and then called two ball to the corner pocket.

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